Statistical education in times of Big Data ESS Big Data Workshop Ljubljana, 14 October 2016 Markus Zwick
What is statistics? Mathematical Statistics Applied Statistics Official Statistics Federal Statistical Office Germany, Institute for Research and Development in Official Statistics
What are the target groups for statistical education? Pupils, students, professionals Data producer, data manager Data users, analysts, decision maker Data scientists, iStatistician Federal Statistical Office Germany, Institute for Research and Development in Official Statistics
What are the instruments to teach statistics? Traditional methods like front teaching E-learning Webinars Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) Blended learning Federal Statistical Office Germany, Institute for Research and Development in Official Statistics
Transformation of the statistician’s profile: the Data Scientist Competences Analytical and computing skills Delivering quality and ethical analyses Process management skills Communication skills Developing analytical expertise To summarise, the new role of the statistical officer will more concentrate on: • Development of statistical indicators • Design and co-ordination of data collection with Member States • Standardisation of processes, products and methods, with increased use of new technologies such as cloud computing • User oriented development of statistical products • Use of big data, open data, cloud data and data from administrative sources ("the iStatistician") • Use of warehouse data and less tailor-made products ("warehouse quality guardian") • Statistical audit and labelling of official statistics ("the statistical auditor") Some of the new competencies (soft skills) needed would be marketing, narrative skills, sociability, service orientation, anticipation of user's need, ability to adapt to a changing world and corporate thinking. More on: DM doc on statistical officers & assistants Federal Statistical Office Germany, Institute for Research and Development in Official Statistics
The Data Scientist will be a team with specialized member skills Federal Statistical Office Germany, Institute for Research and Development in Official Statistics
Big Data Team Level Competency Team work Interpersonal and communication Delivery of results Innovation and contextual awareness Specialist knowledge and expertise Statistical/IT skills Data Analytical/ Visualisation skills Competency profiles have been created by the UNECE High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics Federal Statistical Office Germany, Institute for Research and Development in Official Statistics
Big Data Team Leader Level Competency Leadership and Strategic Direction Judgement and decision-making Management and delivery of results Building relationships and communication Specialist knowledge and expertise Statistical/IT skills Data Analytical/ Visualisation skills Competency profiles have been created by the UNECE High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics Federal Statistical Office Germany, Institute for Research and Development in Official Statistics
Methods New situation generates new mathematical structure and methods We have a lot of statistical methods and tools The methods which are often used will change Record linkage, statistical matching We will see more applications with less theoretical background "With enough data the numbers speak for themselves" Federal Statistical Office Germany, Institute for Research and Development in Official Statistics
What has really changed in the digital revolution? We have data !!! and we are able to use it Survey data, open data, big data Micro data, aggregate data, meta data It is nessesary to teach (official) statistics with data Federal Statistical Office Germany, Institute for Research and Development in Official Statistics
UNECE Sandbox Irish Centre for High-End Computing / CSO have created a Big Data ‘sandbox’ containing data sets and tools Federal Statistical Office Germany, Institute for Research and Development in Official Statistics
How to teach interdisciplinarity within projects inside universities between universities between universities and external partners in the cloud (sandboxes)
Conclusions Federal Statistical Office Germany, Institute for Research and Development in Official Statistics
Introductory statistics courses Descriptive and inductive statistics Data, Data, Data Data Quality Data visualisation Privacy Federal Statistical Office Germany, Institute for Research and Development in Official Statistics
Master programmes The system of Official Statistics Production models and methods Specific Themes of Official Statistics Statistical Methods Dissemination Federal Statistical Office Germany, Institute for Research and Development in Official Statistics
European Master in Official Statistics "The main goal of this project is to establish a quality label for university 'European Official Statistics' programmes that meet agreed standards in education. University programmes that are benchmarked to these standards become members of the 'European Official Statistics' network." Ex-Ante Evaluation Document for the project, May 2011. Federal Statistical Office Germany, Institute for Research and Development in Official Statistics Emos Learning outcomes Elective courses Federal Statistical Office Germany, Institute for Research and Development in Official Statistics
Internal training New ESTP courses: Statistical matching and record linkage Big Data instruments Data visualisation Data mining Federal Statistical Office Germany, Institute for Research and Development in Official Statistics
Thank you for your attention! Federal Statistical Office Germany, Institute for Research and Development in Official Statistics