Using cast off materials to create art. THIS ART IS GARBAGE! Using cast off materials to create art.
First, watch the you tube video on An Art from recycled materials exhibit.
Your task is to create an artwork that deals with everything our society doesn’t value and casts off. The subject matter could be stuff we throw away (a smashed pop can, a wadded up candy wrapper, etc.) or it could be created with cast-off materials. CRITERIA: Subject matter or medium is “garbage” or cast-off items (10 points possible) Idea or concept is creative and original. (10 points possible) Idea is carried out successfully. (10 points possible) Workmanship is acceptable (college level). (10 points possible) Project shows time and effort. (10 points possible)
Here are some examples:
Or, use discarded objects as your subject matter.
Look around you for possibilities!