EE 372: Engineering Electromagnetics II Spring 2019
Electromagnetics “Common Sense” Test 5 minutes
Instructor Information Z. Yun Hawaii Center for Advanced Communications (HCAC) Office: POST 201B Phone: 6-0759 Email:
Timeline and Location Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 12:30 am - 1:20 pm Jan. 7 ~ May 10, 2019 Holidays: 1/21 (Mon.), 2/18 (Mon.) Spring break: 3/18 ~ 3/22 Last instruction day: 5/2 (Thu.) Final exam: Mon., 5/6, 12:00pm – 2:00pm Location: KUY 209
Prerequisites EE 371, PHYS 274, or instructor approval
Office Hours 2:30 pm - 3:30pm, M, W, F By appointment, or Just stop by my office, or email me
Grading Homework: 20% Midterm 1: 20% Midterm 2: 25% Final exam: 35% Extra points are possible
Textbooks Electromagnetic Fields and Waves (required) Magdy F. Iskander, Waveland Press, ISBN: 1-57766-115-X Electromagnetic Waves (optional) D. H. Staelin, et al, Prentice Hall, 1994 ISBN: 0-13-225871-4 You are encouraged to read other EM books and papers.
Contents Introduction Brief review of principles of wave motion Transverse Waves Longitudinal Waves Plane Waves, Cylindrical Waves, Spherical Waves Brief review of Maxwell's Equations Faraday's Law, Ampere's Law, Gauss' Laws Electromagnetic Waves The Electromagnetic Spectrum Wave equation and plane wave solution Harmonic wave equation in free space Plane wave solution Wave front and propagation direction Plane wave propagating in arbitrary direction Vector property of EM waves; polarization TEM waves Linear polarization Other polarizations Maxwell equations without del operator 𝛻
Contents Laws of reflection and refraction Fermat’s principle Derivation of law of reflection Derivation of law of refraction (Snell’s law) Other methods for deriving the laws Boundary conditions revisited Reflection and transmission coefficients Boundary conditions and polarization Reflection coefficient Transmission coefficient Total Reflection and Total Transmission Total reflection; critical angle Total transmission: Brewster (polarization) angle First midterm
Contents Total field: incident + reflection on a PEC plane Perpendicular polarization Parallel polarization Standing/propagating waves Concept of phase velocity Boundary conditions and the uniqueness theorem Two-plate waveguide Field expressions/structures: result of multiple reflections Concept of modes Cut-off frequency Second midterm Rectangular waveguide (WG) Boundary value problems Separation of variables solution method Possible modes in a rectangular waveguide Concept of WG wavelength Concept of WG impedance Other boundary value problems Rectangular resonators Circular waveguides Review for the final exam Final exam
Computer Animations & Simulations EM waves are not easy to be observed Computers are available on campus/at home Animations and simulations can explain subtle concepts and reveal physical insight Theory + Experiment + Simulation
Course Objectives Understanding fundamental concepts and laws governing the electromagnetic waves Understanding the mathematical formulation of these laws Learning basic problem-solving skills and research procedures
Homework and Exams Homework: You need to use all your learned knowledge and skills to solve the problems. All the steps should be clearly presented in the solutions. Calculators and/or computers are needed. Exams are testing your fundamental understanding of the subject. Numerical calculation is minimal. No calculators and computers are needed. All exams are open book and open notes. Access to the Internet is not allowed.
Tips for Getting an A+ Attend all lectures Concentrate on EM stuff in the classroom Mute e-gadgets in the classroom Learn problem solving skills from your peers; don’t copy their work Ask questions when you have any, not only in classroom, but also awat Participate in classroom discussions
You Can Get Extra Points! Solving challenge problems Doing extra homework (relevant to contents discussed) Sharing news related to EM Finding mistakes in textbooks and lectures