Keith Grammar School Working together
House Assemblies NB These take place in a different order this week: Monday OGILVIE Tuesday MAIR Thursday SMITH Register in the Hall, sitting in class and alphabetical order.
S1 and S2 Hockey After school hockey for S1 and S2 will start up on Tuesday 8th May. The session will start at 3.30pm on the astro. See the active schools board in PE for more information.
UCI Mountain Bike World Cup There is an opportunity for all KGS pupils to attend the training and set-up day for the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup in Fort William on Friday 1st June. There is no cost for entry, but there will be a fee payable for bus transport. The Schools Day comprises of a walk around the events village watch the teams get set up and begin their preparations for the exciting World Cup weekend then, take a trip on the Gondola and watch the world class riders take to the track for DHI and 4X training. This is open to all age groups and anyone interested should attend a short meeting in the P.E. class room on Tuesday at interval or see Mr McRitchie.
OUTWARD BOUND 2019 Reminder to all S2 pupils : Are you going to grab this fantastic opportunity to work together and maximise your potential? Then get your application in for the Outward Bound Course in January 2019 and you could be doing this
Normandy Trip – 21st – 27th June There are some places that have become available for the trip. It costs £475. Sun, sea, sand. A great way to start the summer holidays. See Mrs Daley, room 31, as soon as possible, if you would like to go.
See Ms. McAllister if you need any help. How to access Digital Theatre+ please visit All students have been issued with the log in details See Ms. McAllister if you need any help.
Free Summer School tuition Any pipers looking for free summer school tuition? See -invited-for-piobaireachd-society-bursary/ or ask Mrs Gatenby for more details.
Spanish Club Spanish Club will restart on Wednesday, 9th May. Please come along if you want to learn some Spanish. All abilities are welcome and it is open to both staff and students.
Interested in applying to Oxford or Cambridge S4 and S5 – are you interested in applying to Oxford or Cambridge when you’re in S6? Please speak to Mrs Gatenby about this. There are lots of opportunities to help you with preparation.
Music Lessons - Timetable See Plasmas or Music Timetables for individual lessons. Brass - Monday Violin - Tuesday Percussion - Thursday Woodwind - Friday