Questions for working groups Workshop Real time pollution data exchange and forecast in Europe Copenhagen, 7 April 2005
Working group 1: data and data exchange Which pollutants ? Combine near real time data and forecasts into one system? Required frequency of exchange (hourly) ? How many stations are needed (what are limitations ?) Criteria to select stations and who should do so ? Quality checks needed, by whom ? Which data to archive, where/by whom ?
Working group 2: information required to display Present separate pollutants and/or an index? Use the same scheme for presenting (e.g. low/medium/high and colours)? Which level of detail for maps is needed for presentations? Display more details during episodes? Present for specific groups (children etc?)? Which language ? Which media (internet, TV, SMS, other) ?
Working group 3: links between activities and organisations What are the main ongoing local, national, European activities ? Which organisations are involved and which are leading/coordinating ? Which activities require coordination (e.g. to avoid duplication) or cooperation (e.g. to enhance synergy)? How can cooperation be arranged (e.g. regular meetings, next workshop) ? How to keep all informed to the extent needed and feasible ?
Working group 4: forecasting, model development, boundary data QA/QC issues Operational (quality scores) Model inter comparison Output parameters and criteria Ensemble forecast Ways to define ensemble Prioritising Statistical corrections, data assimilation, etc Emission scenarios (short term abatement strategies)