Unit 10 Acid–Base Chemistry


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 10 Acid–Base Chemistry Lecture Presentation Unit 10 Acid–Base Chemistry Day 2 Acid/Base Titration © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

Warm Up TAKE OUT: All Assignments due today (16.5-16.11, Chem Activity 42, Video Notes, Lab Notebook) SHOW ME: For stamp THEN: Be ready to review procedure for lab TIME: 6 MINUTES WHEN DONE: Begin gathering materials, goggles, lab coat, (not your acid and base yet)

Agenda Mini-Lab: Acid/Base Titration

Acid and Base Titration Lab SET UP: Intro Activity THEN: Begin “Guided” Inquiry Process TIME: Until 9:35 (clean up) WHEN DONE: Make sure your table is dry and cleaned up