Chapter 3 starting with Chapter 2 detailed concepts February 18, 2009
Review – A few facts Literal Control – Encoding Textbox Textmode = password Autopostback – as in when the textbox changes. Not recommended. Textbox Autocomplete = off Section 504 - AssociatedControlID
Q:A What method puts the attention on a given control? Why is that done in the Page_Load() event? OnClick vs OnClientClick Expando Attribute
Q:A Import Namespace="System.Controls.Generic.Collections" What is the same Control Statement as Select Case in Visual Basic? How can I set a group of controls to all hide at once?
Commands Passed by Button CommandName CommandArgument p105
Alt DescriptionURL—a link to a full description (section 504) GenerateEmptyAlternateText = "true" generates an empty alt tag: alt=""
Ch 3 RequiredFieldValidator Range Validator CompareValidator RegularExpressionValidator CustomValidator ValidationSummary
Server Validation Still Occurs For security reasons In case browser doesn't handle it Page.IsValid