AP European History Mr. Stepek Era of Global Exchange AP European History Mr. Stepek
Prince Henry the Navigator Motivations for exploration (3 Gs) Religious (God) Save the souls of those who don’t know Christ Economic (Gold) Portugal wants trade route to Asia want gold, pepper and cloves avoid Italian “middle-men” Social (Glory) Many explorers/conquistadors are second sons not eligible to inherit primogeniture How do they make a name for themselves….IN THE NEW WORLD!!! Prince Henry the Navigator
New Navigational Technology Innovations of exploration Astrolabe “one that catches the heavenly bodies” determines latitude at sea Replaced w/cheaper “quadrant” Magnetic compass provides direction Portolani – accurate maps based on compass readings Spain/Portugal = state secrets Caravel Sternpost rudder/lanteen sails allow ships to sail easier into the wind
Barthomeu Dias (1488): reaches Cape of Good Hope Vasco de Gama (1497): reaches India
Christopher Columbus Italian (Genoa) Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain finance voyage 1492 Conquest fueled by veterans of the Reconquista. Columbian Exchange The transfer of animals, plants, culture, human pop. and disease between the Old and New Worlds after 1492.
Magellan circumnavigates the globe
Conquistadors Hernan Cortes (1521) Francisco Pizarro (1532 - 33)
How do a few hundred Europeans conquer advanced civilizations like the Aztec and the Inca? Better military technology: Horses, guns and gunpowder Native Americans have no immunity to diseases like small pox and measles
Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)
Spanish rule in the New World Political Economic Encomiendas (land grants) become haciendas (plantations) granted to Spaniard by king Grow sugar Silver and gold mines Enslave Native Americans Many die from brutality Forced relocation Early missionaries try to protect natives Later become part of status quo Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) Splits new worlds between Spain and Portugal Spain rules Viceroyalties Council of the Indies Viceroys King’s representative
Bartolomé de las Casas Settler/slave owner “Protector of the Indians” Sees injustice, converts “Protector of the Indians” Suggests African slaves instead Unintended consequence Atlantic Slave Trade Later retracts New Laws of the Indies (1542) Abolishes native slavery encomienda system Largely ignored
Impact of the Columbian Exchange New World Old World Dramatic population decline > 90% decline Later recovery due to European and African migration Landscape transformed Deforestation Sugar plantations Domesticated animals dominate Horses, cattle, pigs, etc. New cultures result “Mexicans” = Native + Spanish Mestizos, mulattoes Slavery 10 - 15 million Africans forced into bondage Population increase Fueled by new crops Potatoes/corn Economic effects Influx of precious metals causes inflation investment in industry social class divisions owners of industry, bankers grow rich Poor suffer under inflation
Atlantic Slave Trade
Atlantic Slave Trade Triangular Trade 12 – 15 million part of Triangular Trade Europe → Africa Manufactured goods, guns, liquor, trinkets Africa → New World slaves “Middle Passage” brutal New World → Europe Raw materials New Racism Africans = inferior/property
Mercantilism Economic system underpinning exploration, colonialism and absolutism Goal: acquire more gold/silver for the treasury Positive balance of trade Export more than you import Acquire colonies Source of raw materials, “captive” markets Colonies exist for the benefit of the “mother” country Build a strong navy to protect them Expand domestic manufacturing, encourage commerce Tariffs and subsidies Zero sum concept (someone must lose for you to win)