Laura DeVilbiss Brandon Dickers Leo Khmelniker Music to Your Ears Laura DeVilbiss Brandon Dickers Leo Khmelniker
Overview We have built a Rube-Goldberg device that performs the simple task of turning on an iPod through a series of distinct steps. Each step works by utilizing simple energy conversions of kinetic and potential energies.
Construction cont.
Construction cont.
Construction cont.
Process/Energy Transfer To start the process we drop a marble with potential energy into a funnel. It spins around until it comes out of the bottom and hits several dominos. During the step the marble’s energy changes from potential to kinetic.
Process cont. The marble falls down with kinetic energy until it collides with the first domino that has potential energy. A series of dominos with potential energy is set into motion when the marble pushes the first domino, causing it to fall into the next domino.
Process cont. Each preceding domino knocks over the next until the last in the series falls down as kinetic energy. The last domino that falls pushes the car, which is sitting at the top of a hill. The transfer of kinetic energy pushes the car with potential energy over the edge of the hill.
Process cont. Finally, the car rolls down the hill until it reaches the bottom where the kinetic energy is used to push the play button on the iPod and music is turned on.
Cost Dominos= $6.95 Tube= $9.99 Car= $0.89 All other pieces of equipment were purchased prior to the assignment.
Conclusion This is a complicated way of listening to music on your Apple iPod.