Warm Up: Thursday, Oct. 12th Unscramble these events on your timeline (back of notes packet) based on how Odysseus lived them and create a hashtag for each stop. King Alcinious Lotus Eaters Troy Underworld Scylla and Charybdis Bag of Wind Cyclops Helios’ Island Calypso Circe Sirens Cicones Return to Ithaca
Linear Timeline “In Media Res” Start of Story King Alcinous Flashback to tell story to King Freed from Calypso 3 years at sea 7 years with Calypso Ithaca Troy Book 9 10 11 Book 12 Book 5 *Zeus sends Hermes to free Odysseus *Calypso tries to convince him to stay, but he makes the decision to go home *builds raft and leaves STORM *Falls overboard and swims to shore *end of war *Ciconian Army *Lotus Eaters *Sirens *Sylla and Charbdis *Helio’s Cattle *Calypso *the Cyclops (Polyphemus) *travels to Underworld (prophecy) *Circe (witch) – turns men into pigs