5 Themes of Geography Project Create a booklet about the 5 themes of geography You will get 3 blank white pages and will need to staple them like a book. Need a cover page (colored) Need 1 Theme of Geography on each page after the Title page Each theme must have all sub points with definition and a picture (colored) You may draw or cut out a picture from a magazine but it has to represent the subpoint of the theme.
Need 1 Theme of Geography on each page after the Title page Each theme must have all sub points with its definition and a picture (colored) You may draw or cut out a picture from a magazine but it has to represent the sub point of the theme.
Movement Movement of people, good, or ideas from one place to another. This pictures shows Movement by wagon Movement of Goods This picture shows movement of goods Movement of Ideas This picture shows how ideas move.
Region An area grouped together because of one or more common features. Formal Region defined by borders issued by the government Functional Region that serves a function Perceptual How we perceive certain areas