U.S. Army Contracting Command Contracting Support for the Warfighter MG Paul H. Pardew Commanding General U.S. Army Contracting Command Version Number 1. As of 10 Oct 2018
Mission and Vision ACC Mission ACC Vision Delivering readiness through contracting solutions in support of the Army and Unified Land Operations, anytime, anywhere. ACC Vision Operationalize contracting by focusing on outputs to deliver and sustain Army readiness and support modernization by maintaining the highest standards in service, reliability and operational excellence Contracting is key enabler for everything the Army does We support every aspect of readiness including sustainment of equipment, deployment of warfighting units, training, even recruitment of soldiers We want the value we bring to the Army to be recognized and understood
Operationalizing Contracting FOCUS ON OUTPUTS Obligations Actions Focus is on the outputs and capability we bring, not on the number of actions or the amount of dollars we obligate ACC’s biggest benefit is the synergy we provide when we integrate weapons systems, operational and installation support contracting to deliver readiness Recognition of the role we play is critical to ensuring we can provide the support required Synchronize and integrate contracting capabilities to deliver readiness
ACC Organizational Structure Army Materiel Command OPCON / TACON Relationship Contracting Authority Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics & Technology Army Contracting Command (ACC) Huntsville, AL Army Contracting Command Aberdeen Proving Ground (ACC-APG) Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD Army Contracting Command New Jersey (ACC-NJ) Picatinny Arsenal, NJ Mission & Installation Contracting Command (MICC) JBSA, TX Field Directorate Office Fort Eustis, VA MICC Contracting Offices at 34 installations 419th CSB XVIII Corps Fort Bragg, NC 418th CSB III Corps Fort Hood, TX CECOM ACC-Afghanistan Bagram Airfield 408th CSB USARCENT Shaw AFB, SC Kuwait City, KU 411th CSB USFK Camp Humphreys, ROK TBD Army Contracting Command Redstone (ACC-RSA) Huntsville, AL Army Contracting Command Rock Island (ACC-RI) Rock Island, IL AMCOM 409th CSB USAREUR Sembach, GE 413th CSB USARPAC Fort Shafter, HI Two star subordinate command of Army Materiel Command One subordinate command, 6 weapons systems centers and 8 direct reporting CSBs Army Contracting Command Warren (ACC-WRN) Warren, MI Army Contracting Command Orlando (ACC-ORL) Orlando, FL 410th CSB USARSO JBSA, TX 414th CSB USARAF Vicenza, Italy TACOM Army Sustainment Command INSCOM Contracting Office OPM-SANG Contracting Center Riyadh, SA HCA Only 4
Supporting Army and Joint Force Readiness Army Contracting Command Supporting the Army Worldwide Supporting Army and Joint Force Readiness Weapon System Center Contracting Office FY18 Contracts FY17-18 Comparison 94.1B Category Total FY17 Obs Total FY18 Obs Contracts $59.3B $65.1B OTA’S $1.5B $2.9B Grants & Agreements $0.6B $0.5B Other Contracting $0.7M $62.1B $69.0B FY18 DoD Spend $357.8B FY18 ACC Spend $69.0B ACC obligates 75% of Army contract dollars, 19% of DOD total contract dollars and 12% of federal contract dollars – 1 out of every 8 contract dollars the federal government spends is obligated by ACC Over 100 permanent operating locations world wide Over 6000 employees including over 800 military FY18 obligations increased $7B from FY17 while number of actions declined 6,000+ employees at over 100 permanent locations worldwide Awarded 151.4K actions valued at approximately $69.0B (FY18) including contracts, other transaction authority and grants/agreements * Preliminary FY18 Date from FPDS-NG CARS and VCE Data Source as of 1 Oct 18
Aberdeen Proving Ground ACC Centers Aberdeen Proving Ground New Jersey Orlando Chemical/biological defense equipment, electronic sensors, night vision equipment, satellite communications, radars, radios (PEOs C3T, IEWS, Soldier, JPEO Chem Bio) Weapons, armaments, ammunition, information technology (PEOs AMMO, EIS, Soldier) Simulation, instrumentation, training devices (PEO STRI) Redstone Arsenal Rock Island Warren Centers obligated vast majority of dollars Support modernization and sustainment of weapons systems Major customers include PEO/PMs, Army Futures Command/RDECOM, ATEC, Foreign governments (FMS) Aviation, missiles (PEOs AVN, M&S) Ammunition, logistics, information technology, chemical demilitarization (PEOs Ammo, EIS, ACWA) Combat and tactical vehicles, small arms and targetry, fire control systems, intelligence (PEOs GCS, CS/CSS, Soldier) ACC’s “centers of gravity” account for 89% of ACC’s obligations, amounting to ~$62B (FY18) 6
Mission and Installation Contracting Command Provides responsive, complete and compliant contracting solutions to Army commands, installations and activities in the continental United States Provides trained and deployable contracting support forces to the operating force, on order Garrisons support for 37 CONUS installations in support of IMCOM Mission support for tenants including ACOMS (FORSCOM, TRADOC) In FY18 MICC conducted over 31,000 contract actions worth $4.99 billion at 34 contracting offices
OCONUS Contracting Support Brigades Support to Operating Forces Plans and executes effective and agile contracting support for U.S. Army Service Component Commanders in support of Army and Joint Operations Provides effective and responsive contracting support for OCONUS installation operations CENTCOM PACOM NORTHCOM 409TH CSB (USAREUR) Kaiserslautern, GE EUCOM FDO Fort Sam Houston JBSA, TX 408TH CSB (USARCENT) Shaw AFB, SC 413TH CSB (USARPAC) FT Shafter, HI 411TH CSB (USFK) Yongsan, ROK Kuwait Rotational/Corps Aligned Iraq 418TH CSB (III Corps) FT Hood, TX 419TH CSB (XVIII Corps) FT Bragg, NC 414TH CSB (USARAF) Vicenza, Italy AFRICOM Pakistan 410TH CSB (USARSOUTH) JBSA, TX SOUTHCOM Operational contracting support for COCOMs/ASCCs Installation support for OCONUS garrisons Deploy in support of expeditionary operations Humanitarian support MTOE military plus civilians and foreign local nationals Reachback support from CONUS contracting organizations for complex actions Jordan ACC - Afghanistan Bagram Airfield, AFG Army – Lead Service for Contracting Coordination (LSCC) Army – Lead Service for Contracting (LSC)