Theme 1 – Standardisation in Crisis Management Use Cases from INACHUS, RECONASS & IN-PREP Evangelos Sdongos Institute of Communication and Computer Systems Community of Users, 27th March 2019, Brussels
Diverse CP Organizations… Cross - border
The RECONASS Example CEN-CENELEC JW8 participation on “privacy by design” in response to M/530 (accepted as project liaison since December 2016). In support to Sendai Framework Priority 4 on “building back better” results submitted to UNISDR Scientific and Technical Advisory Group (STAG): Eurocodes (CEN)/American/British for design but NO codes exist for monitoring buildings (RECONASS contributes in much detail the latter)
The INACHUS Example Project Plan of CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreement (CWA): Acceptance of the topic to be covered in the CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreement (CWA) with official title: “Urban search and rescue (USaR) robotic platform technical and procedural interoperability - Guide” CWA 17357 is published
The IN-PREP efforts towards interoperability Aligned Operations Physical Interoperability Information Data Object / Model Interoperability Protocol Knowledge / Awareness Info Visualisation / COP Taxonomies / Symbologies XML / JSON Schemas Communication protocols Radio / Network MRPP, Command & Control Systems ... TSO, IN-PREP Taxonomy ... RDF, EDXL, OSM-XML ... WSDL, SOAP, JMS ... LongRadio Frequency Range, WiFi, 3G... Generic Operational Procedures, Scenarios ... Organizational Structures, Roles, Job Actions Aligned Procedures Harmonised Strategy / Doctrines Technical Interoperability Organizational Technical Domain IN-PREP Features Interoperability Layers Political Context Legal Interoperability Legislative Alignment Organisational Organisation and Process Alignment Semantic Interoperability Semantic Alignment Interaction & Transport
Thank you for your attention! Evangelos Sdongos, Team Leader +30 210 772 2467 9, Iroon Polytechneiou, 15773, Zografou - Athens, Greece