Task Force on Target Setting and Reporting TFTSR Pierre Studer Swiss Federal Office of Public Health I am pleased to bring information on the work done Tomorrow, I will also have the opportunity to present the template for reporting in accordance with the article 7
Mandate of the TFTSR the establishing of targets and To assist the Parties in the establishing of targets and the reporting of progress achieved According to the articles 6 and 7 of the Protocol A the first meeting of the Parties in Geneva: A Task force on indicators and reporting was established to assist Parties to meet the challenges of the Protocol’s obligations in this area, in particular the publication of targets by 2007 for the first 15 countries that ratified the Protocol and the reporting of progress achieved to the second meeting of the Parties
Activities of the TFTSR Elaboration of guidelines: On the setting of targets and reporting, evaluation of progress and reporting. For the summary report in accordance with article 7 During the last 3 years, 3 task force meetings (March 2008; February 2009; February 2010) and 2 workshops (February 2009; February 2010) were organised in order to establish some guidelines on target setting and reporting Between the task force meetings, several meeting of the core group have been organised
The setting of targets The following procedure is proposed: Baseline analysis Agreement on draft targets, programme and measures and indicators Final agreement on targets and their publication and communication Review and assessment of progress and reporting The article 6 specifies that each Party has to set targets We propose a logical framewortk for the process of setting targets It is important to identify the key stakeholders and setting up a coordination mechanism The Baseline must allow to identify the current problems. The listing of the issues gives the opportunity to set some priorities The final agreement is not possible without a broad consultation on the proposed targets and relevant programs The dispostions of article 6 is very extensive and covers all aspects dealing with water (or sanitation) and health. Out of this list, it is important that the countries identify the relevant parameters. For example, it is not possible to establish targets on water quality aspects when the supply is not garanteed. When the targets have been agreed by the stakeholders, than it is essential to propose a calendar for the implementation. Later, on a regular basis, the program of work has to be revised in order to take into account the difficulties encountered or the progresses made.
The setting of targets The article 6 precises that each Party has to set targets We propose a logical framework for the process of setting targets It is important to identify the key stakeholders and setting up a coordination mechanism The Baseline must allow to identify the current problems. The listing of the issues gives the opportunity to set some priorities The final agreement is not possible without a broad consultation on the proposed targets and relevant programs The dispostions of article 6 is very extensive and covers all aspects dealing with water (or sanitation) and health. Out of this list, it is important that the countries identify the relevant parameters. For example, it is not possible to establish targets on water quality aspects when the supply is not garanteed. When the targets have been agreed by the stakeholders, than it is essential to propose a calendar for the implementation. Later, on a regular basis, the program of work has to be revised in order to take into account the difficulties encountered or the progresses made.
Challenges in setting targets Targets have to be based on countries’ needs and priorities relevant for the current situation measurable and realistic established by the key stakeholders Parties are expected to make provisions for public participation
Added value of this process The setting of targets Creates a platform for different stakeholders Concerns local and/or national authorities Offers a step-by-step approach Guides the authorities in the allocation of resources
Template for reporting Background Common indicators Targets and target achievements Overall situation Information on the persons preparing the report During the next three years, the Parties will have to produce some national reports. It is proposed to establish this report following a defined format. The Task Force on Target Setting and Reporting provides a template for this kind of exercise During the last 3 years, 3 task force meetings (March 2008; February 2009; February 2010) and 1 specific workshop (February 2010) were organised in order to share experience in the elaboration of the national report requested Several difficulties were presented and discussed during the workshop of February this year The present template recommends to respect the following table of contents The main chapters are linked to the description of the common indicators (mandatory parameters) and to the targets and target achievements
Common indicators It is mandatory to report on: Access to safe water Access to improved sanitation Drinking water quality Reduction of water related diseases Effectiveness of management, protection and use of freshwater resources
A permanent optimisation ?
Challenges in reporting The collection of the necessary datas is often a nightmare. It reveals a lack of information This report can not be established by one single entity It is essential to involve the main stakeholders and get their supports The relevance of the data is important ! The way to obtain some results can be a target: Relevant information Legal requirements Development of a national evaluation
Future activities of the Task Force on Target Setting and Reporting Facilitating and promoting mechanisms for cross-sectoral cooperation Strengthening public participation and fostering involvement of civil society Linking targets with operational tasks and programmes of measures To bring support to the Parties in the elaboration of national reports To identify common issues with significant potential of improvements For each country: To produce the national report Important to: provide technical support to Project Facilitation Mechanism For the TFTSR give support to the other Task Forces
Thanks a lot for your attention Thanks a lot to: The secretariats All participants of the Task Force All speakers for interesting presentations on public participation, costs/benefits analyses, GIS-monitoring, or national reporting of complicated situations …for your attention !!!