Vocab Unit 4
Spartan: Adj. - lacking in luxury or comfort; simple self discipline and denial - synonym: poor, skimpy Chord: an emotional reaction or sensitivity synonym: emotion, sensitive spot Discharge: 1) verb – to let go or release 2) noun – a substance that is leaked or released - antonyms: kept, retain Disheveled: Adj. messy, untidy - antonyms: neat, tidy, orderly Imagery: noun – a description that appeals to the senses - synonym: clear description
Justice: noun - fairness, righteousness - antonym: lawlessness Perfect: Adj. – 1) flawless; without fault 2) verb: to make flawless - antonym: flawed, inferior Pithy: adj. – short and brief, but important antonyms: long, detailed Probe: noun – an investigation synonym: question Raze: to tear down or destroy - synonym: knock down, destroy