Get Ready for the New Internet: IPv.6 Class 5: Co-existing and Adopting IPv.6 - The Challenges September 12, 2014 Charles J. Lord, PE President, Consultant, Trainer Blue Ridge Advanced Design and Automation
This Week’s Agenda 9/8 Background and Overview of IP4 / IP6 9/9 Features of IPv.4 Versus IPv.6 9/10 Addressing in IPv.6 9/11 IPv.6: Traffic and Routing 9/12 Co-existing and Adopting IPv.6 – The Challenges
This Week’s Agenda 9/8 Background and Overview of IP4 / IP6 9/9 Features of IPv.4 Versus IPv.6 9/10 Addressing in IPv.6 9/11 IPv.6: Traffic and Routing 9/12 Co-existing and Adopting IPv.6 – The Challenges
IPv6 is NOT an IPv4 extension Different formats Different toolset Bigger address space Simpler structure If there was no existing IPv4 infrastructure, IPv6 would be very easy to roll out… BUT-
The Existing Net Taken from September 1, 2014
The Existing Net Taken from September 1, 2014
Google Just Broke 4% IPv6 Use
How Fast Growing? World IPv6 Launch: “If current trends continue, more than half of all Internet users will be IPv6-connected in less than four years” Look at the speed that the Web grew – from introduction to taking over the Internet in three years Mobile Revolution IoT “Smart” EVERYTHING…
Food for Thought With the drive to Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) in just the automotive area, ignoring smart highway and smart grid tie-ins, we can easily have over 50 IP addresses per automobile. With a current base of over a billion vehicles today, as these are replaced (and the number itself grows), we will easily see 100B nodes in this one application area
IPv6 Launch 6 June 2012 All major backbones are now IPv6 capable (parallel with v4) All major current OS support IPv6 Android 4.4 (4.0.2 somewhat) Windows since XP-SP3 MacOS / iOS It is the remaining infrastructure that is v4-only
Using IPv6 in a IPv4 World Dual Stack Tunneling protocols: Gateways Toredo 6in4 6to4 6RD Gateways
Dual Stack “Easiest” way – run concurrent stacks of IPv.4 and IPv.6 The computer you are on right now is doing this Most of the Backbone, DNS, etc A LOT of memory and computation for a small microcontroller, though!
Tunneling or Encapsulation
Toredo One of the earliest encapsulation methods Based on a public IPv.4 address Prefix 2001::/8 NOT recommended for new development Included in Windows – should be turned OFF
6in4 Simplest of encapsulation methods Pad a v4 address with leading zeroes Not supported for many functions Replaced by Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol (ISATAP) Works well for an isolated network Many vulnerabilities – turn OFF on a globally connected network
6to4 Some improvement over previous, still in use Special prefix 2002 Uses both IPv4 address and EUI-64 Still plagued with communications failures
6RD IPv6 Rapid Deployment Robust system, developed in five weeks in 2007 in France Actually named for Remi Despres, a user that pushed for the ISP (Free) to provide IPv6 Now widely used by many ISPs worldwide ISP has to have a 6RD portal – Prefix is a special one assigned to your ISP Most popular – and robust – tunneling protocol
Gateways Used more in control and sensor networks Outgrowth of PAN <-> IPv4 gateways “Best” solution for building connections such as a 6loPAN to IPv4 network, as the local network can be made IPv6-ONLY
Applications What about the Web? DNSv6 is still getting populated An address may have a v6 (AAAA) record, but there may be features on the site that are still v4-only A site may have elements with A records and AAAA records
Level 2 Support Ethernet Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) IEEE 802.15.4 (6LoPAN) ATM Frame Relay
Handy Tools Wireshark (and others) Android: “IPv6 and More” app (free) List of tools and resources at
References Hagen, Silvia: IPv6 Essentials (O’Reilly) Davies, Joseph: Understanding IPv6 (Microsoft) RFCs (See last slide)
This Week’s Agenda 9/8 Background and Overview of IP4 / IP6 9/9 Features of IPv.4 Versus IPv.6 9/10 Addressing in IPv.6 9/11 IPv.6: Traffic and Routing 9/12 Co-existing and Adopting IPv.6 – The Challenges
Please stick around as I answer your questions! Please give me a moment to scroll back through the chat window to find your questions I will stay on chat as long as it takes to answer! I am available to answer simple questions or to consult (or offer in-house training for your company)