Lincoln Branch NAACP Celebrating 100 Years 1918 - 2018 Defeat Hate: Vote!
Clyde Malone President 1918
Rev. I.B. Smith, President 1918-1921
William Woods, President 1922-1924
Rev. G. L. Collins, President 1962-1963
Lt. Col. Paul Adams, President 1964-1965
Date President Uncertain
Leola Bullock, President dates uncertain
Lenora Letcher, President Before 1987
John Ways, Sr., 1987-1992
Ritchie Wallace, President 1996-1997
Albert Maxey, Jr., President 1998
Rev. Jessie Myles, President 1998-1999
Leroy Stokes, President 2000-2012
Jareldine Mays, President 2012-2014
Bennie Shobe, Jr., President 2015-2016
Jeannette Jones-Vazansky, President 2017 - 2018
Our 2018 Platinum Sponsors
University of Nebraska Office of the President Varner Hall 3835 Holdrege Street Lincoln, NE 2018 Platinum Sponsor
2018 Platinum Sponsor 301 South 68th Street Place Lincoln, Nebraska 68510 2018 Platinum Sponsor
Nebraska Wesleyan University 5000 St. Paul Avenue Lincoln, Nebraska 2018 Platinum Sponsor
Our 2018 Silver Sponsors
Psi Chi Omega Chapter Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated P.O. Box 4701 Lincoln, NE 68504
Mt. Zion Baptist Church 3301 N. 56th Street Lincoln, NE 68504 You can become who Christ says you are. Romans 8:37
The Lincoln Branch NAACP thank you for your support, Celebrating 100 Years!