Civil Rights Picture Quiz 1929 - 2000
t V Civil Rights Movement - campaign for equal rights for African-Americans
Jim Crow Laws – Name given to the laws which persecuted black people in the US
Great Migration – when many black people moved from the South to the North of the US in search of a better life.
Peaceful Protest
Fair Deal - Truman’s policy which was a continuation of the New Deal Fair Deal - Truman’s policy which was a continuation of the New Deal. Looked to improve the lives of black American’s but was unsuccessful.
Y Jim Crow Army – Name given to black Americans that joined the US army to fight in WW2.
Depression – after the crash in 1929 the 30s in America saw a period of economic Depression
WASP – White Anglo-Saxon Protestant
Martin Luther King – influential leader of the Civil Rights Movement.
William Du Bois – president of the NAACP
Segregation – blacks and whites were kept apart from whites in the south.
New Deal – Roosevelt’s policy to help the economy based on the 3Rs Relief, Recovery & Reform
Ku Klux Klan – racist group that persecuted blacks, Catholics, Jews and other groups. Other crimes include a host white pillow case thefts.
Rosa Parks – figure of civil rights protest.
Barack Obama
Freedom Rides – where black people deliberately sat in ‘white only’ seats onboard buses to protest against the southern segregation.