Weds. 1 /11 Mr. Lamson Freshman English TODAY’S SLIDES WILL BE POSTED ON THE WEBSITE Save the date: 2nd Quarter Final: Tues. 1/24 Today: HW due - wait for directions Finish Adjective check-off Review and finish Acquainted with the Night HW New: Cowboy poetry HOMEWORK, due Thurs. 1/12 Cowboy poetry exercises dodecahedron
NEXT: get out HW: name, student number, any missing assignments; hand forward for an A today; C tomorrow, D Friday, F Monday Adjectives work-sheet check off? Have out for check-off - Ms. DeHaven help; THEN cut out definitions, glue in notebook, share supplies, quick and quiet; DONE WITH THOSE? HW: get out Acquainted With the Night, literary terms, exercises; review, complete, GET THESE OUT THEN CLEAR YOUR DESKS, BINDERS OFF AND UNDERNEATH
HW review: was it difficult. Could you find it HW review: was it difficult? Could you find it? If you don’t know your student number, who can help? Acquainted With the Night: Examples of personification; symbolism of night NEXT: COWBOY POETRY
When a Horse Hoof Hits the Ground When a Horse Hoof Hits the Ground © 2013 - Tom Swearingen
1-11 Literature Resource - Examples of PERSONIFICATION - SAVE EXAMPLES OF PERSONIFICATION: Lightning danced across the sky. The car complained as the key was turned. Rita heard the last piece of pie calling her name. My alarm clock yells at me every morning. The avalanche devoured anything standing in its way.
Significance of Symbolism in Literature 1-11 Literature Resource - Symbolism - SAVE When analyzing a piece of literature, examining the primary symbols often leads to a greater understanding of the work itself. We use symbols all the time in everyday life. Many people own things that have special meaning for them, such as a gift from a loved one that represents that bond. Companies use symbols as shorthand to represent their brand, and sports teams name themselves after fearsome animals and people to invoke power (for example, the Detroit Lions and Minnesota Vikings, respectively). There are also cultural symbols, such as a dove representing peace. Here are more examples of symbolism from common life: Significance of Symbolism in Literature Symbolism has played a large role in the history of literature. Symbols have been used in cultures all around the world, evident in ancient legends, fables, and religious texts. One famous example of symbolism is the story of the Garden of Eden, in which the serpent persuades Eve to eat an apple from the tree of knowledge. The serpent in this story represents wickedness and the apple is a symbol for knowledge. Symbolism is equally important in all kinds of literature, (just think of Harry Potter’s scar—a symbol of his being the “chosen one”, as well as his ability to overcome evil). Or consider the Lord of the Rings, in which Tolkien’s use of the magic ring, is a symbol for the corruptions of enormous power. “One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, one Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.” (The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien)