WRITE BITES Early College Campus
Welcome to ‘Write Bites’! Have you ever read something that made you say « WOW »? It made you feel like the writer’s words are connecting to someone or something in your life? This type of writing that speaks to you contains a characteristic known as VOICE! You will explore the concept of voice and its effect on your personal writing.
Write in your own Voice Through WRITE BITES, you will have multiple opportunities to READ DEEPLY, write convincingly, communicate effectively and explain meaningful connections to the questions you are being asked. 1. You will need a composition Notebook make it your own and decorate it 2. Bring it daily to express yourself in writing by making connections 3. Remember you will only have 20 minutes to complete your morning ‘Write Bites’
ROUTINE Here is how it works! · Students will read a Passage and make connections · The next day you will be asked to Answer(#1) Open Ended Response Question ·Then you will Answer(#2) Open Ended Response Question ·And continue to Answer(#3) Open Ended Response Question ¨ Teacher Reviews Responses
TIGER STEPS to Answer Questions ANSWER the QUESTION! PROVE!! your Answer with a Quote. EXPLAIN AND make meaningful CONNECTIONS to your Answer
You will have 10 minutes to write about (3-5) lines about Let’s Begin! You will have 10 minutes to write about (3-5) lines about YOUR NAME What does it mean? How does it make you feel? Does it have a special meaning or connection to someone in your life? Does it represent you well giving your Pride to carry it as your IDENTITY. Find your VOICE