Mitch Fowler Bruised Foreheads: What EVERY Educator Needs to Know About DataDirector Training Mitch Fowler
For several years DataDirector training has been like Groundhog’s Day For several years DataDirector training has been like Groundhog’s Day. We’d bring in educators year after year and do the same training – Login, Pre-Builts, Assessment creation, etc. We’d hope that after several trainings that teachers would just “get it”. Someone famous had a quote about doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Measurement Activity Using the measurement tool: Measure 3 Items Record your data Have a conversation about your data If we put the tool before the understanding, we are teaching educators to be data entry specialists.
Just a Tool… “A tool is any physical item that can be used to achieve a goal.” - Wikipedia ? What’s the goal of DataDirector?
What’s the tipping point that allow you to go from not using a calculator when having kids add, subtract, multiply, and divide? IF YOU CAN’T TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT TO DO WITH DATA WITHOUT THE TOOL, THE TOOL IS GOING TO BE USELESS.
Educators MUST understand the WHY behind data analysis before they can understand the HOW and WHAT. We already have the WHAT (it’s what we need to enter) and the HOW (we train the heck out of data entry). When educators tell me that DataDirector is a hoop to jump through for them, that’s my key that the WHY is missing. Video – 2:14-4:36
What data do you expect teachers to collect? Is there an assessment calendar that outlines what needs to be entered when by whom?
What are your expectations for teachers on how they will use the data they are required to enter into DataDirector? I typically ask administrators to answer this question BEFORE I’ll do DataDirector training. I’ve heard lots of answers to this question… “We expect our teachers to look at their data and adjust their instruction accordingly.” “I can’t answer that because I don’t know where to look in DataDirector to find the data.” I then ask how these expectations have been communicated, what professional development has been provided, and what structures exist to facilitate these conversations.
Teaching Peer Response: A microcosm of Teacher Data Use
This is an example of the questions on administrator is looking for teachers to answer in PLCs.
Data Guiding Questions What are you teaching? What did the kids get? What didn’t they get? Who got it? Who didn’t get it? What are you going to do with the kids who got it? Who didn’t? Another example of questions to use. The bottom line is that teachers need to understand that this is something that needs to happen whether you are prepping for a data conference or just reviewing data.
If educators do not understand the basics of data analysis, why are we going to muddy the waters with a tool?
You can do data analysis WITHOUT a tool like DataDirector You can do data analysis WITHOUT a tool like DataDirector. But… DataDirector can save you time. Now that we have a basic understanding and the WHY, we can talk about tools that can make data analysis easier.
Does this standard show up in future units? Yes Where? How will we assess? No Is it necessary? Flag for next year. Targeted Remediation
Targeted Remediation Extension Activity Basic Activity Foundational Activity
What is the goal of DataDirector in your district?