Middle Ages review
Beginnings… Western Roman Empire fell: 476 AD The remaining half, the Eastern Empire, thrived: Byzantine Empire
Byzantine Empire
Byzantine empire
Byzantine empire Emperor Justinan
Justinian’s code That which was wrong in the beginning does not become right as time goes on… Anyone who has the power to condemn a man also has the power to acquit him…. Any privilege or right that is not given to the defendant should not be given to the plaintiff…
Medeval society in europe The Feudal System How did it work?
Advances in limiting king’s power & improving democracy: England Advances in limiting king’s power & improving democracy: Magna Carta 1215
Church Strengthens its power Create a “Catholic Europe” Strategy: FEAR! Heresy =>Inquisition =>Excommunication
The Crusades 1096-ca. 1300 Christians want to recapture Holy Land controlled by Turks (Muslims) Pope Urban II
The crusades: Effects Nobles lost power & money Trading between Europe and Middle East Pope lost power