Seating “chart” Front Back 4 rows 5 rows 5 rows 4 rows 2 rows 2 rows
Quiz grades Two points will be added to each quiz for a maximum of 20 points. Last question in question 4 with relational expressions was something that we have not yet covered.
PA1 Due tonight at 11:59pm. 12:00am is late. Be sure to check your style. Be sure to add a reference and acknowledgement section. All help other than from the professor or your partner must be acknowledged. If you received help from a TA, that must be noted. The lab is likely to be very busy. Use Piazza to get help on general questions or errors. Don’t post code unless you make it private to the instructors.
Lab Followup See solution to Deli lab with breakpoints for checking.
or How to break up code into small more manageable pieces. Methods or How to break up code into small more manageable pieces.
Today’s activity The activity is in two parts. The first part will have you explore methods that have already been written for you. Stop at the stopping point so that we can all move on together. In the second part, you will write some methods.
Exercise 3 You will write “void” methods to sing Old MacDonald Had a Farm. The goal is to write the song with as few printlns as possible. But…
There are RULES Each team member must write at least one method (including main). Each line of text (including blank lines) must have its own System.out.println(). You may NOT join multiple lines of text using the \n character. You may NOT use loops, decisions, or other Java syntax we haven't yet covered in class. To simplify writing code by hand, you MAY abbreviate System.out.println as SOP.
Reminder The Computer Science Department Speaker Series cordially invites you to attend the talk on "Nature-Inspired Cyber Defenses" by Dr. Mohammed Eltoweissy on Wednesday, September 24, 2014 at 12:10 p.m. at the Ntelos Room (ISAT/CS 259). Pizza and soft drinks are available.
In lab tomorrow You will learn about Stubbing out code. Writing methods Calling methods More about the Math class Read ahead in chapter 5.