Testing Seesaw at LHC 郑亚娟
Outline Mini-review of neutrino physics LHC signatures of Seesaw mechanism
Introduction Part I Beta decay
Neutral, spin ½, mass less than 1% of proton mass Neutrino
Neutral, spin ½, less than 1% of proton mass Neutrino
True picture: An electron antineutrino is emitted from beta decay
using neutrinos from a fission reactor A decision in 1952: using neutrinos from a fission reactor A double signature (two flashes of light separated by a few )
Lederman, Schwartz & Steinberger 1962 Cowan & Reins 1956 39 years BNL Lederman, Schwartz & Steinberger 1962 Cowan & Reins 1956 39 years 26 years 1995 1988 : Fermi Lab, 2000
Neutrino puzzles Solar neutrino Detected neutrino 1/3 Standard Solar Model 1968, Raymond Davis made the first observation of solar neutrino shortfall at Homestake mine Confirmed by Kamiokande, GALLEX, SAGE and SNO(2001) data R. Davis 2002
Atmospheric neutrino Expected Detected
Two flavor oscillation For simplicity, we consider two flavor neutrino mixing and oscillation
The oscillation probability for an appearance neutrino experiment: The conversion and survival probability in realistic units: Due to the smallness of (1,3) mixing, both solar & atmospheric neutrino oscillations are roughly the 2-flavor oscillation.
Flavor Mixing Flavor eigenstates Cabibbo-Kobayashi- Maskawa (CKM) Weak interaction eigenstates Mass eigenstates Flavor eigenstates Pontecorvo-Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata (PMNS)
Experimental bounds Two kinds of hierarchy ( normal & inverted) Normal
Mass Generation SM + right-handed neutrino Unnatural
Radiative mechanisms (S. Weinberg PRD1962, A. Zee PLB1980) Texture zeros (H. Fritzsch PLB1977, S. Weinberg1977) Family symmetries (C. Froggat & H. Nielsen NPB1979) Seesaw mechanisms (P. Minkowski PLB1977) Extra dimensions (K. Dienes, E.Dudas & T.Gherghetta NPB1999)
Seesaw Mechanisms Type-I : (SM +at least 2 RH Majorana neutrinos )
Type-II : (SM +1 Higgs triplet )
Type-III: (SM +3 fermion triplet ) Hybrid seesaws: type-(I+II), type-(I+III) …
Part II Type-(I+II) Seesaw SM + 2 right-handed Majorana neutrinos + 1 Higgs triplet SSB Diagnolization Seesaw formula
Neutrino Mixing Tri-bimaximal mixing pattern After diagnolization Harrison et al, 02; Z. Z. Xing, 02; X. G. He & A. Zee, 03 Parameterization 3×3 unitary matrix Z. Z.Xing, 08 Nearly identity matrix with
Conventional: Testable: Pilaftsis, 92;Kersten et al, 07 W. Chao, Z. G. Si, Z. Z.Xing, S. Zhou 08; W. Chao, S. Luo, Z. Z. Xing, S. Zhou 07 Flavor symmetry X. G. He, Y. Y. Keum & R. R.Volkas 06 a. Triplet Higgs observable b. Heavy Majorana neutrinos testable c. Neutrinos masses stable
Collider Signatures T. Han & B. Zhang, 06; A. Atre, T. Han, S. Pascoli & B. Zhang,09
guarantees a peak around the mass of >114GeV CDF Collaboration, 08
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