AQIP Accreditation Systems Appraisal 2010 AQIP Portfolio, Appraisal, and Strategy Forum
AQIP Accreditation Components We are here Every seven years - reaccreditation visit Every four years Every year - three Action Projects System Portfolio System Appraisal NMU AQIP Strategy Forum (3 day retreat) 2009 Reaccreditation visit 2010 Systems Portfolio (100 pages we send to AQIP), Systems Appraisal (50 pages written appraisal AQIP sends us), Strategy Forum (we meet with AQIP to discuss the issues identified) Current Action projects are: Knowledge management system – II (benchmarking data and key performance indicators) Internships and Work Experiences Procedure Review Academic Program Review NMU AQIP website has full information and documents. AQIP Portfolio, Appraisal, and Strategy Forum
Systems Portfolio (to AQIP) Institutional Overview – NMU profile Nine categories covering breadth and depth of institution’s functions and administration Three phases of improvement cycle Process (96 questions) Results (50 questions) Improvements /use of data (20 questions) Sent in May 2010 AQIP Portfolio, Appraisal, and Strategy Forum
Systems Appraisal (from AQIP) We’ve shown improvement since the 2006 appraisal Received in Oct. 2010 Important message: we’ve improved a lot in both write-up and actuality in past 4 years. Rewrite goal was to eliminate all accreditation issues and as many strategic issues and OO scorings as possible. We succeeded. Failed accreditation issue is cause for losing full accreditation 5 Accreditation Issues for 2006 were: 1) Ongoing assessment provides evidence of effectiveness 2) All levels of planning aligned to fulfill mission 3) Goals for student learning outcomes are clearly stated for each program 4) High level leadership is actively engaged with continuous improvement 5) Measures, benchmarks targets, results lead to quality improvement SS – Outstanding strength S – Strength O – Opportunity OO – Outstanding Opportunity AQIP Portfolio, Appraisal, and Strategy Forum
Systems Appraisal – Strategic Issues The improvement cycle runs from developing vision and goals from culture, to plan and action processes, to evaluation and use of data for revision. It repeats endlessly so continuously improve. In 2006, there were 17 serious overriding concerns. In 2010, there are 3. AQIP Portfolio, Appraisal, and Strategy Forum
Systems Appraisal - Item Scoring Examples of (formal) processes we do well: robust curriculum development for courses course scheduling First year experience program Review of vendors to most effectively meet our needs Data results would be: -regular surveys of alumni and participation in the NSSE to document current student perceptions and attitudes. -cohort performance measures to track students’ progress -state peer data as evidence of productivity and effectiveness of employee groups Use of data for improvement: -Purchasing studied card usage and entered into an online supplier contract saving substantial costs. -Space Utilization Committee, Facilities, and Registrar‘s Office assessed scheduling guidelines to concentrate class placement to three (3) core buildings during non-peak hours to save operational costs AQIP Portfolio, Appraisal, and Strategy Forum
Strategy Forum – 3 day retreat (with AQIP) Purpose Use Systems Appraisal and collected input 8 member NMU team focuses on improvement strategies Outcomes we bring home Specifically, how we will improve one AQIP category of high priority Specifically, how we will improve NMU’s culture & infrastructure of continuous improvement Identify other AQIP institutions as peers These “specifics” are drafts of action projects or tactical steps. Peers are valuable. They are needed as references in the portfolio and in action projects. Approx. 10 schools will participate. All have completed at least 2 Systems Portfolios. AQIP Portfolio, Appraisal, and Strategy Forum