Event anisotropy measurements in RHIC-PHENIX ShinIchi Esumi for the PHENIX collaboration Inst. of Physics. Univ. of Tsukuba Tennno-dai 1-1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan esumi@sakura.cc.tsukuba.ac.jp SMD/ZDC BBC/MPC participant elliptic R.P. spectator directed R.P. MVD/RXN Reaction plane X Z Y Px Py Pz Reaction plane / Event anisotropy FSMD1-p vs FSMD2 FBBC1-p vs FBBC2 FSMD-p vs FBBC F2BBC1 vs F2BBC2 back-to-back spectator neutrons vs ps from participants are flowing opposite. F2MVD1 vs F2MVD2 F2BBC vs F2MVD [-p,p] [-p/2,p/2] directed plane elliptic PHENIX detectors for reaction plane measurement PHENIX experimental setup RXN(S) - RXN(N) MPC(S) - MPC(N) BBC(S) - BBC(N) RXN(SN) - MPC(SN) RXN(SN) - BBC(SN) BBC+MPC+RXN (S - N) BBC+MPC (S - N) beam line reaction plane neutron spectator charged particles (pions) at mid h beam <cos 2(FA-FB)> (2000 – charged multiplicity) / 100 : [centrality bin] Collective side-ward flow and reaction plane Measured event plane correlation between sub-detectors Reaction plane resolution (sub-event correlation) Particle identified hadron v2 Hydrodynamic flow evolution and quark coalescence Deuteron and f-meson v2 Confirmation of quark and nucleon coalescence Jet suppression, modification and high pT v2 and their relation with the geometry PHENIX preliminary R.P φ Geometrical shape at freeze-out :Rside :Rout Out-of-Plane In-Plane High pT v2 and jet modification Non-photonic electron RAA vs pT (centrality dependence) PHENIX RUN2 PHENIX RUN4 centrality dependence of non-photonic electron v2 compared with hadrons Azimuthal dependent HBT annihilation compton scattering Bremsstrahlung (energy loss) prompt photon v2 = 0 v2 < 0 thermal photon v2 > 0 Jet-frag. photon from the survived parton v2 > 0 PHENIX preliminary Measurement of single electron v2 originated from heavy quarks consistent with prompt photon production consistent with similar flow and suppression of heavy quarks as light quarks Measurement of direct photon v2