Kindergarten Alphabet uppercase/lowercase beginning sounds/pictures START
Which uppercase and lowercase letters match? Aa Au
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Which uppercase and lowercase letters match? Bd Bb
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Which uppercase and lowercase letters match? Cs Cc
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Which uppercase and lowercase letters match? Dd Db
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Which uppercase and lowercase letters match? Ee Ea
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Which uppercase and lowercase letters match? Ff Ft
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Which uppercase and lowercase letters match? Gq Gg
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Which uppercase and lowercase letters match? Hl Hh
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Which uppercase and lowercase letters match? Il Ii
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Which uppercase and lowercase letters match? Jj Jy
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Which uppercase and lowercase letters match? Kk Kf
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Which uppercase and lowercase letters match? Lj Ll
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Which uppercase and lowercase letters match? Mw Mm
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Which uppercase and lowercase letters match? Nn Nu
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Which uppercase and lowercase letters match? Oq Oo
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Which uppercase and lowercase letters match? Pq
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Which uppercase and lowercase letters match? Qp Qq
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Which uppercase and lowercase letters match? Rr Rj
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Which uppercase and lowercase letters match? Ss Sc
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Which uppercase and lowercase letters match? Tf Tt
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Which uppercase and lowercase letters match? Uu Uv
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Which uppercase and lowercase letters match? Vu Vv
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Which uppercase and lowercase letters match? Wm Ww
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Which uppercase and lowercase letters match? Xx Xz
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Which uppercase and lowercase letters match? Yy Yw
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Which uppercase and lowercase letters match? Zq Zz
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What letter does the picture start with?
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What letter does the picture start with? G
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What letter does the picture start with?
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What letter does the picture start with? B E A
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What letter does the picture start with? X Q
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What letter does the picture start with? F T S
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What letter does the picture start with? Y L I
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What letter does the picture start with?
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What letter does the picture start with? M N F
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What letter does the picture start with? B
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What letter does the picture start with? V Y
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What letter does the picture start with? K T F
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What letter does the picture start with?
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What letter does the picture start with? Y M
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What letter does the picture start with? Q U I
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What letter does the picture start with? J P R
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What letter does the picture start with? Q U W
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What letter does the picture start with?
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What letter does the picture start with? F H
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What letter does the picture start with? J G Q
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What letter does the picture start with? Z B E
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What letter does the picture start with? V W
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What letter does the picture start with? F N
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What letter does the picture start with? J Y
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