Supported Study: 10 mark question
The 10 Mark Question This is very similar to your 8 mark question from National 5. You divide your answer into three sections. Each section has a heading. Commonality (what 2 texts have in common with one another – this has been identified for you in the question) Exam poem (analysing poem in front of you in response to question) Elsewhere (analysing 1 other poem from memory in response to question) The difference comes from the fact that at Higher, the question is work 2 marks more. These marks are gained in the ‘Elsewhere’ section. You don’t get marks for quoting.
Mark Allocation Commonality (2 marks) Exam Poem (2 marks) 2 simple comments. Exam Poem (2 marks) 2 pieces of analysis. (Quote + Analysis x2) Elsewhere/Other Poems (6 marks) 3 points: Technique + Quote + Analysis x3 Can do 4 points for safety.
Step one: Read the Question What is the question asking you? I would write down a brief bullet point list on the question paper of the things you are going to focus on in each section. This will help to focus your writing. For example: Question asks me to talk about the theme of isolation in response to Valentine. Plan C – Valentine = isolation in toxic r/ship = feels isolated from convention = isolating self w/i r/ship C - Originally = emigration = loneliness = lack of control EP – “blind with tears” = isolation, in darkness/uncertain about future E – “red room” = isolated from world/decision-making/family E – “childhood is an emigration” = movement throughout: always alone in this E – “originally?” = isolated from sense of self
Step 2: Now you need to write! Remember to use the headings given to you – it makes it easier for the examiner to differentiate between your points! The only section where you do anything different in terms of how you normally answer analysis questions, is in commonality – you follow the walkthrough document in all other sections.
Commonality (2 marks) This is where you say what the poem you have in front of you has in common with other poems by the same poet. You must say what it has in common with regards to the aspect you have been asked to discuss.
Commonality sentence starters Through the poem X, Duffy identifies/explores/displays/discusses/demonstrates the theme of/idea of/technique [what is the question asking you to discuss]. This is evident when/this becomes clear when… [go on to explain where this theme/idea is evident within the poem.] Duffy also explores the theme of/idea of/technique throughout her poem Y. This is noticeable/evident through her discussion of [now explain how this theme/idea is evident in this new poem].
Create commonality statements in response to the following questions: Look at Originally. Discuss how Duffy uses the theme of childhood experiences to demonstrate her feelings towards movement and change. Look at Valentine. Discuss how Duffy uses the theme of nostalgia to explore the main concerns of the text. Look at Valentine. Discuss how does Duffy use contrast to explore the key concerns of the poem.
Look at Originally. Discuss how Duffy uses reference to personal experience to demonstrate her feelings towards movement and change. Duffy uses reference to personal experience to demonstrate how traumatic emigrating was – being ripped away from the place she called home and brought to a new place where she doesn’t fit in. This is evident through the emphasis of the feelings of discontent, fear and loneliness that she experienced at the time of moving, and has felt throughout her life, clear that has a negative view of emigration as it has changed her outlook on life, as well as of herself. In Valentine, Duffy also uses reference to personal experience to explore the idea of change, as she talks about the change that is required in attitudes towards how we represent love – a somewhat positive outlook on this. However also see a change in relationship – we see it change from pleasant to toxic/volatile. Therefore it is clear that the passage of time is representative of something negative – however here the main contributor to this negativity is commitment.
Look at Valentine. Discuss how Duffy uses the theme of nostalgia to explore the main concerns of the text. In Originally, Duffy explores the theme of nostalgia by showing her longing for Scotland and sense of self. She had an awareness of, and peace with, her identity when she was in Scotland, and by looking back on her childhood experiences we see how lost she feels without this grounding. In Valentine, Duffy reflects on the perpetuation of stereotypes, longing for a time where each relationship is treated uniquely. However, the main point of nostalgia here is created through her exploration of her own relationship. It begins with a light-hearted tone, representing the cheerful and relaxed relationship she perhaps experienced at the beginning of this union. By the end, it is clear that the commitment is too much – she looks back on a time when this wasn’t expected.
Look at Valentine. Discuss how does Duffy use contrast to explore the key concerns of the poem. In Valentine, Duffy consistently uses contrast to explore the gifts given to lovers whilst in relationships. This is evident when she juxtaposes stereotypical gifts with phrases that reject such notions, to emphasise how gift-giving should be treated as uniquely, as each relationship is unique. Duffy also uses contrast to emphasise her discontent at leaving her home behind. Through contrast, she emphasises the feelings of fear and loneliness that she experienced at the time of moving, and has felt throughout her life, making it clear that this move has had a negative impact on her life.
Use the walkthrough structure to achieve 2 marks. Exam Poem (2 marks) You should discuss the poem you have in front of you with regards to what you have been asked about in the question. Use the walkthrough structure to achieve 2 marks.
Look at Originally. Discuss how Duffy uses the theme of childhood experiences to demonstrate her feelings towards movement and change.. You can select any two quotes from the poem. I would recommend treating this section as though it is worth 3 or 4 marks. If you fully analyse one quote, and simply analyse (or fully analyse) another quote, you will be more likely to get full marks. Remember: refer to the question throughout your answer. Follow the steps in the walkthrough document, depending on what technique you are analysing.
Elsewhere/Other Poems (6 marks) This is where you will be required to recall knowledge from other poems with similar themes and ideas. It is important therefore that you learn your key quotes for each poem. You should use the walkthrough structure 3 times, focusing on how these other poems relate to the question you have been asked. You should do this three times.
Look at Originally. Discuss how Duffy uses the theme of childhood experiences to demonstrate her feelings towards movement and change. Now you need to look at another poem by Duffy for your quotations. You can select any three quotes from this next poem. Remember: refer to the question throughout your answer. Follow the steps in the walkthrough document, depending on what technique you are analysing.