Wave Trains Waves that travel in groups
Shoreline A place where the land and body of water meet
Surf The breaking of waves
Sea Cliff When waves erodes and undercuts the rock resulting in a steep slope.
Wave Period The time interval between breaking waves. Usually 10s to 20s
Sea Stacks Off shore columns of resistant rock that once connected to the mainland
Sea Arches Forms when ocean wave action continues to erode through a sea cave cutting completely through the rock.
Sea Caves Forms when ocean waves cut large holes into fractured or weaken rock along the base of sea cliffs. Sea caves are commonly made from sedimentary rock.
Headlands Finger shaped projections that form when cliffs made of hard rock erode more slowly than surrounding rock. On many shorelines hard rock will form headlands, and the softer rock will form beaches or bays.
Wave-cut terraces Form when a sea cliff is worn back, producing a nearly level platform beneath the water at the base of the cliff.
Beach Any area of the shoreline made up of material deposited by waves.
Longshore Current A water current that moves the sand along a zigzag pattern along a beach.
Barrier Split An exposed sandbar that is connected to the shoreline.