Fluoride affects stool-derived taxa found in the oral cavity. Fluoride affects stool-derived taxa found in the oral cavity. (A) Sixty-three abundant OTUs (rows) across oral and stool samples (columns). Rows and columns are clustered by Bray-Curtis dissimilarity. OTUs are shown in colors according to their biogeographic occurrence/cooccurrence patterns (see main text for definitions). OTUs that were significantly depleted in fluoride-treated oral samples are shown in red, including a subset of orally abundant, stool-derived OTUs. The six OTUs in this subset with the greatest treatment effects are highlighted in panel B. Horizontal lines represent individual relative abundance measurements (colored by treatment group), and measurements from the same animal are connected. Koji Yasuda et al. mSystems 2017; doi:10.1128/mSystems.00047-17