Transmission System Update Paul Chernikhowsky Director of Engineering Services FortisBC
Agenda Review of service area and load/generation distribution Peak demand breakdown by area and season High-level discussion of Resource Planning versus System Planning forecast methodologies Future planned reinforcements Uncertainty around new technologies
FortisBC Service Area Overview
FortisBC Winter Peak – MW by area
FortisBC Summer Peak – MW by area
Load Forecasting Methodologies Resource Planning versus System Planning forecasts Resource Planning – “top down” forecast Represents entire system as a single load Typically weather normalized System Planning – “bottom up” forecast Used for feeder, substation and area system planning Based on actual peaks (typically recorded during weather extremes) Both methods were reviewed extensively during the 2012 Integrated System Plan (ISP) development Both methods are linked: System Planning area forecasts are dependent on the Resource Planning forecasts
Potential Future Transmission Projects Line reconductor Tx addition Tx addition Line reconductor Tx addition Tx addition
Load Forecasting Uncertainties Some areas of uncertainty that could be significant: Plug-in electric vehicles Distributed generation resources Impact of DSM on system peaks (at weather extremes) Some impacts result in load increases, others in decreases What will be the net effect on the system? None expected in near term Expected load increases/decreases are outweighed by normal year-to-year load variation due to weather From a Resource Planning perspective will be covered off in the high-low scenario simulations and analysis