The Giver Written by Lois Lowry
Born in Hawaii in 1937. Also wrote Number the Stars. Lois Lowry Born in Hawaii in 1937. Also wrote Number the Stars.
The Giver Genre – Science Fiction – A novel that describes the impact of science and technology, or both, upon society or people.
The Giver Utopia – A perfect place What would a utopia be like? Activity: Put a check mark next to things you think would make a perfect society.
Chapters 9-17 Vocabulary
requisitioned An official order asking for something When he crushed his finger in the door, his mom hastily requisitioned relief of pain medication.
torrent A strong, sudden outpouring He could see a bright, whirling torrent of crystals in the air around him.
relinquished Voluntary cease to keep or claim We relinquished color when we relinquished sunshine and did away with differences.
invigorating Making one feel strong, healthy, and full of energy The sled moved forward, and Jonas grinned with delight, looking forward to the breathtaking slide down through the invigorating air.
agony Extreme physical or mental suffering In his agony he perceived the word “fire” and felt flames licking at the torn bone and flesh. He tried to move and could not.
forsaken abandon Again and again he dreamed of the anguish and isolation on the forsaken hill.
assuage Make less intense The beautiful memories were not enough to assuage the pain that Jonas was beginning to know.
ominous Giving the impression that something bad is going to happen Now it was ominous. It meant that nothing could be changed.