Steps in the TDES Evaluation Process 4/9/2019/JCC
TDES Evaluation Process Walkthrough #1 (by October 5, 2012) P: 5 – 15 minutes in class recording evidence. P: Uploads evidence to portal within 24 hours of walkthrough. T: Adds additional evidence in portal or requests conference if desired, not required. Form: Walkthrough Evidence The procedure for the walkthroughs is the same all three times. Walkthroughs should only be 5 to 15 minutes in length. P does not need to watch the entire lesson. T can add additional evidence if necessary. 4/9/2019/JCC
TDES Evaluation Process Walkthrough The principal will select the appropriate staff member from his staff list and then click Create New Document to record the walkthrough evidence in the portal. 4/9/2019/JCC 3 3
TDES Evaluation Process Walkthrough The principal will record the evidence observed in the walkthrough. If there is wireless in the building the evidence can be recorded and submitted directly in the portal. If the building does not have wireless the principal should type on the Word template, Save, and then Cut and Paste the evidence into the portal. 4/9/2019/JCC 4 4
TDES Evaluation Process Walkthrough The principal must press Submit to enter the data into the portal. 4/9/2019/JCC 5 5
TDES Evaluation Process Walkthrough The system stops you to be sure you want to submit. Once you submit a document it cannot be changed. Click OK to confirm that you want to Submit. 4/9/2019/JCC 6 6
TDES Evaluation Process Walkthrough After the principal submits the walkthrough evidence in the portal the system will send an email notification to the the teacher. The walkthrough evidence should be submitted immediately if possible, otherwise within 24 hours. 4/9/2019/JCC 7 7
TDES Evaluation Process Walkthrough The teacher can then go into the portal and see what the principal has posted by clicking on the walkthrough link. Remember, you must be logged in as yourself on the computer to access TDES. 4/9/2019/JCC 8 8
TDES Evaluation Process Walkthrough The teacher has the option of adding additional evidence if she wishes. She should type in the boxes below the principal’s evidence and then click Submit. 4/9/2019/JCC 9 9
TDES Evaluation Process Walkthrough Remember, once you click Submit your document cannot be edited or changed. 4/9/2019/JCC 10 10
TDES Evaluation Process Formal Announced Observation (by November 16, 2012*) The Formal Announced Observation (preconference to post conference) should be complete within a ten working day cycle. Pre-observation conference and observation to be within three days of each other, and no more than seven days to post-observation conference, for a total of no more than ten days for full cycle. From DC as of 7/19/12. 4/9/2019/JCC
TDES Evaluation Process Formal Announced Observation P: Schedules preconference and observation in portal. Ultimately it is the principal's decision when he observes a teacher, but we ask for flexibility in the choice of day and class period. When P schedules the preconference and observation the system sends a notice to T. P and T should agree on the time and date. The date and time can be updated in the portal. 4/9/2019/JCC
TDES Evaluation Process Formal Announced Observation The principal will select the appropriate staff member from his staff list and then click Create Workflow begin the process. to schedule the dates for the preconference and the observation. 4/9/2019/JCC 13 13
TDES Evaluation Process Formal Announced Observation The principal must then click Create Document next to Notification to schedule the dates for the preconference and the observation. 4/9/2019/JCC 14 14
TDES Evaluation Process Formal Announced Observation The preconference should be at least two or three days from the date of notification so the teacher has time to submit a Lesson Plan in the portal. The observation should be quite soon after the preconference so that the lesson remains relevant. The teacher does not see these screens, but they are included for transparency and so that everyone understand the steps each must take to move the process forward. 4/9/2019/JCC 15 15
TDES Evaluation Process Formal Announced Observation Again the principal must submit the notification in the portal. An email will automatically be sent to the teacher. 4/9/2019/JCC 16 16
TDES Evaluation Process Formal Announced Observation The teacher will receive a notice in her CMSD email account that the dates have been scheduled. 4/9/2019/JCC 17 17
TDES Evaluation Process Formal Announced Observation The email includes the dates and times of the preconference and the observation. 4/9/2019/JCC 18 18
TDES Evaluation Process Formal Announced Observation T: Prepares lesson plan and uploads lesson plan to portal. Form: Lesson Plan T can prepare the LP at home in the Word template available on SN and when back at school copy and paste into portal. Once LP is uploaded, the system sends a notification to P. 4/9/2019/JCC
TDES Evaluation Process Formal Announced Observation She can type directly in the portal and Submit her work, or she can type on a Word template, Save, and Copy and Paste into the portal. The system will also send a notice to the principal that the lesson plan has been submitted. 4/9/2019/JCC 20 20
TDES Evaluation Process Formal Announced Observation After the teacher submits her lesson plan she can click Generate PDF at the top of the screen and the lesson plan will be formatted for printing as a .pdf file. 4/9/2019/JCC 21 21
TDES Evaluation Process Formal Announced Observation The lesson plan can be printed or saved as a .pdf. 4/9/2019/JCC 22 22
TDES Evaluation Process Formal Announced Observation P and T: Meet for preconference and review lesson plan. P and T: Amend lesson plan in portal if desired. Attachments uploaded into portal. Once a lesson plan has been submitted it cannot be changed. But attachments can be uploaded to reflect any changes as a result of the preconference. Also, P and T can comment below the original plan and the system will record their comments. 4/9/2019/JCC
TDES Evaluation Process Formal Announced Observation P: Observes lesson and records evidence within 24 hours. P: Posts observation on portal and schedules post conference as soon as possible after observation. Form: Formal Observation Evidence Collection P should capture evidence during the observation. Negative evidence is acceptable (things that were not there but should have been). P should post the evidence as soon as possible and within 24 hours. P must schedule the post conference for the next stage in the process to occur. 4/9/2019/JCC
TDES Evaluation Process Formal Announced Observation To record the observation, the principal must click Create Document next to observation in the portal. 4/9/2019/JCC 25 25
TDES Evaluation Process Formal Announced Observation The principal will record the evidence observed in the formal observation. If there is wireless in the building the evidence can be recorded and submitted directly in the portal. If the building does not have wireless, the principal should type on the Word template, Save, and then Cut and Paste the evidence into the portal. 4/9/2019/JCC 26 26
TDES Evaluation Process Formal Announced Observation P: Submits observation and then schedules post conference. T cannot do the self evaluation on the rubric until P schedules the post conference. After P schedules the post conference T can self evaluate. T’s self evaluation assessments are yellow. Although in training T was told she could highlight individual words the system is not permitting that. 4/9/2019/JCC
TDES Evaluation Process Formal Announced Observation The principal must click Create Workflow to begin the post conference process. Then he will be able to schedule the post conference. Until the post conference is scheduled the teacher cannot complete the self evaluation on the rubric. 4/9/2019/JCC 28 28
TDES Evaluation Process Formal Announced Observation To begin to set the dates for the post conference the principal must next click Create Document next to Notification. The teacher does not see this step but it is included so that all parties understand the steps necessary to the process. 4/9/2019/JCC 29 29
TDES Evaluation Process Formal Announced Observation The principal sets the due date for the self evaluation and schedules the post conference. The principal must click Submit at the to of the page to save these dates in the portal. 4/9/2019/JCC 30 30
TDES Evaluation Process Formal Announced Observation The teacher will receive an email notification of the new dates. 4/9/2019/JCC 31 31
TDES Evaluation Process Formal Announced Observation T: Reviews observation, adds additional evidence if needed. T: Completes self evaluation rubric in portal within two days of observation posting. Form: Rubric - Components of Professional Practice After P schedules the post conference T can self evaluate. T’s self evaluation assessments are yellow. Although in training T was told she could highlight individual words the system is not permitting that. 4/9/2019/JCC 32 32
TDES Evaluation Process Formal Announced Observation T: Rates self on the rubric for that lesson only. T does not rate herself for her overall professional performance. T only rates herself for the observed lesson in question. Form: Rubric - Components of Professional Practice After P schedules the post conference T can self evaluate. T’s self evaluation assessments are yellow. Although in training T was told she could highlight individual words the system is not permitting that. 4/9/2019/JCC 33 33
TDES Evaluation Process Formal Announced Observation T can only highlight sentence by sentence, not individual words or phrases. This differs in practice from what was discussed in training. 4/9/2019/JCC 34 34
TDES Evaluation Process Formal Announced Observation P reviews T’s self evaluation and marks areas of agreement only on rubric in portal. If P disagrees with T they will discuss that at the post conference. The rubric is only for marking areas where they agree. P’s areas of agreement make T’s yellow green. P cannot mark in areas that were not marked by T. Areas where P and T do not agree will be discussed in the post conference. If P does not agree with T then P should not mark anything in that area. 4/9/2019/JCC
TDES Evaluation Process Formal Announced Observation P and T: Meet for post conference and discuss areas not in agreement. P and T: Create combined rubric in portal at post conference. The combined rubric should be the result of the conversation at the post conference. Ultimately the principal determines what rating is on the combined but it should be informed by the conversation and the teacher’s self-evaluation. 4/9/2019/JCC
TDES Evaluation Process Formal Announced Observation 4/9/2019/JCC 37 37
TDES Evaluation Process Formal Announced Observation The combined rubric completes the Formal Announced Observation process. 4/9/2019/JCC 38 38
TDES Evaluation Process Walkthrough #2 (by January 11, 2013) P: 5 – 15 minutes in class recording evidence. P: Uploads evidence to portal within 24 hours of walkthrough. T: Adds additional evidence in portal or requests conference if desired, not required. Form: Walkthrough Evidence Same as walkthrough #1 4/9/2019/JCC
TDES Evaluation Process Unannounced Observation (by May 3, 2012) P: Observes lesson and records evidence within 24 hours. P: Posts observation on portal and schedules post conference as soon as possible after observation. Form: Formal Observation Evidence Collection This does not have the same ten day window as the Formal Announced because it does not have the preconference step. But it should not exceed ten days. 4/9/2019/JCC
TDES Evaluation Process Unannounced Observation T: Reviews observation, adds additional evidence if needed. T: Completes self evaluation rubric in portal within two days of observation posting. Form: Rubric Components of Professional Practice Same as Formal Announced procedure. 4/9/2019/JCC
TDES Evaluation Process Unannounced Observation P reviews T’s self evaluation and marks areas of agreement only on rubric in portal. If P disagrees with T they will discuss that at the post conference. The rubric is only for areas where they agree. Same as Formal Announced. 4/9/2019/JCC
TDES Evaluation Process Unannounced Observation P and T: Meet for post conference and discuss areas not in agreement. P and T: Create combined rubric in portal. Same as Formal Announced. 4/9/2019/JCC
TDES Evaluation Process Unannounced Observation The combined rubric completes the Unannounced Observation process. 4/9/2019/JCC 44 44
TDES Evaluation Process Walkthrough #3 (by May 3, 2012) P: 5 – 15 minutes in class recording evidence. P: Uploads evidence to portal within 24 hours of walkthrough. T: Adds additional evidence in portal or requests conference if desired, not required. Form: Walkthrough Evidence 4/9/2019/JCC
TDES Evaluation Process Final Composite (by June 3, 2013) P: Schedules composite conference in portal. T: Receives email notification of the self evaluation due date and the composite conference date. Remember: T cannot complete the self evaluation until P schedules in the portal. P has to initiate this step. 4/9/2019/JCC
TDES Evaluation Process Final Composite T: Completes self evaluation on the composite in the portal May 3 - 17, 2013. Form: Final Composite This is not the Rubric used on the Formal Announced and the Unannounced. It is the Composite form. 4/9/2019/JCC
TDES Evaluation Process Final Composite This is not the Rubric used on the Formal Announced and the Unannounced. It is the Composite form. 4/9/2019/JCC 48 48
TDES Evaluation Process Final Composite P: Reviews T’s self evaluation and marks areas of agreement in portal. 4/9/2019/JCC
TDES Evaluation Process Final Composite P and T: Meet for post conference and discuss areas not in agreement. P: Creates final combined composite in portal by June 3, 2013. P as the evaluator makes the final decision about the marks on the Composite. 4/9/2019/JCC
TDES Evaluation Process The End. This whole process is only 50% of a teacher’s final rating. The State also figures in Value Added data for a final score each year. 4/9/2019/JCC