Thursday, January 10th HW: Study for WWI quiz


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Presentation transcript:

Thursday, January 10th HW: Study for WWI quiz Aim: How did Wilson’s Fourteen Points influence the Paris Peace Conference? Do Now: Complete handout.

9,000,000 Dead

The shooting had stopped but the terms of peace still had to be worked out

On January 18, 1919… Paris Peace Conference convened at the Palace of Versailles. The Conference would last over a year as delegates debated how best to achieve peace.

Who was there? Woodrow Wilson David Lloyd George Georges Clemenceau Vittorio Orlando






What did the Big Four want? Wilson wanted his Fourteen Points adopted to create a just and lasting peace. Great Britain wanted to punish Germany. France wanted territory and assurance Germany would not pose a threat again. Italy wanted to expand its borders.

The Treaty of Versailles Demobilized Germany (German Army limited to 100,000) Demilitarized the Rhineland (no German military presence near the Rhine River) Germany was stripped of its overseas colonies Germany was stripped of some of its land (Alsace, Lorraine, Saar Basin) Article 231 “War Guilt Clause” Germany was blamed for the war and thus had to pay reparations * The Treaty of Versailles caused bitterness in Germany and would ultimately lead to World War II…

The Treaty of Versailles also formed the League of Nations, an organization that hoped to settle problems through diplomacy rather than war. The United States refused to join the League of Nations. The League of Nations did not have a military.

Directions: With your partner, read the particular point and summarize the point in your own words in 1-3 sentences.

I. No secret treaties II. Freedom of the seas III. Free trade IV. Reduction in arms V. Colonies should have self-determination VI. Evacuation of Russian territory VII. Belgium restored VIII. France should get Alsace and Lorraine IX. Italy’s borders should be adjusted X. Austria – Hungary dissolved XI. Balkan states evacuated XII. Turkey created from former Ottoman Empire XIII. Poland created XIV. League of Nations created

National Self-Determination: people chose their own form of government.

Summary Use the maps to complete the exit ticket on the bottom of your Paris Peace Conference handout.