The Word of the Week is excel Have you ever heard this word before? Do you know what it means? Turn and talk to a neighbor about what this word means.
excel ex-cel Definition: be exceptionally good at or proficient in an activity or subject Part of speech: verb (a word that shows action)
excel Synonyms *better *surpass *outshine *exceed *outdo
excel Antonyms *to fail *to be inferior *give up *lose *surrender
excel Words that rhyme with excel: *gazelle *expel *barbell *hotel
excel Virtually all teachers enjoy teaching and want to excel at their jobs.
excel Most professional athletes excel at being physically fit.
excel TIME TO BRAINSTORM Turn to a neighbor and brainstorm a list of athletes who excel in professional sports.
excel Make a T-Chart On one side, list things that you excel at. On the other side, list things that you can improve upon