Imperialism of India The British Raj 1858-1947
Mogul Dynasty Established vast Government Bureaucracy Offices throughout the Empire Plots of land or portions of taxes as payment Centralization of Power (marriages) * 1000s of Opulent & Expansive projects Canals, Channels, & Irrigation systems Personal, Govt, & Religious Architecture
Badshahi Mosque
Akbar’s Tomb
Empire of Great Wealth Trade & M_____________ flourished Silk Road (Delhi) & Coastal Regions (Mumbai) Agricultural Products (Rice & Wheat) Textiles (Cotton & Silk) Precious Stones (Rubies) Spices (salt) B__________ grew more rich … as did Merchant Class
Caste System Social class system separates communities into hereditary groups called jatis (varnas) Based on occupation & birthplace Engrained by religious system = H__________ NOT official policy by Moguls … but never outlawed or taken out of practice Used as Agricultural Production = Untouchables Commerce = Merchant Class Bureaucratic Employment = Land Owners
Portuguese Traders to India (1605) Eager to trade for rubies, salt, silk, & spices Purchase of c___ c____ (coffee, tea, cotton) Exchange for Gold & Silver Trade Z_____ (ports), but not official colonies Portugal already had primary colony (Brazil) Plus other Asian Trade Ports (China)
Corruption Great Wealth brings more desire for Opulence More S___________ (projects & military) Bureaucracy System based on favoritism/payoffs Need for more land & Desire for Conquest Dependent on foreign trade (Cash Crops for Gold) More D_______ = severely weakens Economy
The British are Coming … By 1650 - British established trade zones along eastern coast of India (Calcutta) Desire to trade of Minerals, Spices, & T_______ To protect their investments and trade rights from Dutch & French … Britain built F______ Deal struck to Mogul leadership (Bureaucracy) … make large annual payments for rights to construct forts & expand ports
British E___ I____ Company Stock Holding Co. chartered by the Queen to oversee investments in India Establishment of V________ to oversee political relations with National Bureaucratic offices of Mogul Dynasty
Delhi sacked by Persians (1739) Opened door of opportunity to British further expand their “interests” in India India became a P__________ of British Empire Brought in their own soldiers to protect interests trade ports and access to resources like salt & tea BEIC became even more politically active Indian soldiers (S_______) hired to enforce policies
Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 Result of growing distrust & resentment of British rule – especially policies of BEIC Aka … the G_____ R________ Cause: greasing rifle cartridges used by Sepoys - against Hindu & Muslim beliefs refusal to use = M_______ BEIC played religion & social cards to put down Hindu vs Muslim Mass Un_________ rebellion (The Great Fear)
The British R___ of India Mutiny incident allows BEIC to take full control of India … keep order & protect interests on behalf of the Q______ (Empress of India) “Jewel of the Crown”
Civil Service Bureaucracy Viceroy elevated to status of G_________ Staff of over 3500 British citizens brought in Hired additional Indians to help administer policies & collect taxes Schools to train C_____ S_______
Positive outcomes of British Raj Ordered governmental structure (less corruption) Tax collection - Government offices Update Transportation & Communication system Roads & R__________ - T__________ & Post offices New school systems … literacy rate _________ Building primary schools & Universities Updated Health & Sanitation systems Hospitals & water supply - R_______ infant mortality Opportunity for _______ mobility (economic/social) Small businesses - Growing __________ Class
Expansive Network of RR
Business Construction
Neg. Consequences of the Raj Continued Religious conflict (H_____ v M_______) Sepoys & Administration Schools exclusively in E______ & European format _____% of Indian population remained illiterate Indian manufacturing industries ___________ Business & Construction profits unequally distributed Textiles (cotton & silk) and Mining (salt & silver) Unbalanced Agriculture (c___________ dependent) Taxes increased & Liens against properties ____ million Indians died from starvation S_______________ & Discrimination - Housing & jobs - Cultural Traditions (Religion)
Employment? Agriculture?