Knee Injuries Anatomy
Objectives Recognize the normal structure of the knee Identify the bones, bony landmarks, ligaments and muscles of the knee
What can you remember? Divide a sheet of paper up List the bones that make up the knee Can you name any LANDMARKS? What ligaments do you know? What muscles make the knee move?
Bone Anatomy
Bony Landmarks Fibular Head Tibial Tuberosity
Knee Ligaments What is a ligament? Knee ligaments Connects BONE to BONE Knee ligaments ACL = Anterior Cruciate Ligament PCL = Posterior Cruciate Ligament MCL = Medial Collateral Ligament LCL = Lateral Collateral Ligament
Collateral Ligaments
Cruciate Ligaments
Menisci The menisci act as “Shock absorbers” of the knee The Medial Meniscus is C-Shaped The Lateral Meniscus is O-Shaped
Patella Anatomy Largest Sesmoid bone in the body Located IN the quadriceps tendon It articulates within the femoral groove
Muscles that MOVE the knee Think of all the muscles that attach on or around the knee As a group, take 2 minutes to come up with as many muscles that move the knee.
How does the knee move? What movements does the knee create? Knee Flexion Knee Extension Tibial External Rotation Tibial Internal Rotation
Knee Flexion Hammies! A: Semi tendinosus B: Semi membranosus C: Biceps Femoris
Knee Extension Quads Rectus Femoris Vastus Intermedius Vastus Medialis Superficial Vastus Intermedius Deep Vastus Medialis Vastus Lateralis
External Rotation of Tibia Controlled by : Biceps Femoris Is this a quad or hamstring? How can we tell by this picture?
Internal Rotation of Tibia Semi tendinosus Semi membranosus