ELL Board Report Goals Summary Report December 17, 2018 5:30 PM
Program Overview Overview of program staffing What students are served by the program? What is the program/initiative intended to improve? Where is the program located (building/buildings) Alli
E.L.L. Staff Mike Heights Krista View Crest Amy Hill Morgan Creek Part-time Morgan Creek Point Wendy Alexis High School Introduce self... #3rd bullet-Staffing
E.L.L. Support Staff Laura Medberry, Matthew Alexander, Director of Learning Supports Lindsay Spears, PK-12 Learning Supports Facilitator Matthew Alexander, Curriculum Lead for SS and Learning Supports Morgan- these are our support staff and curriculum leads #3rd bullet-Staffing
Who Do We Serve? CCSD ELL program started in 2006 (13th year) Students range from “newcomer” to students who are being monitored after exiting the ELL program AK-12 (until age 21) Screened, annual testing, and exited with ELPA 21 test (listening, speaking, reading, writing) Morgan Bullet #1-Students Served
Number of ELL Students AK-12 2018 Interesting Facts 114% increase from 2013-2018 (6 yrs.) 2018 Sept.... Had an 8% decrease of students from last year. But, since mid-October added 15 new EL students. 26 “monitor” students. Total=206 34 students that moved Amy Bullet #1-Students Served (176 active students and 4 denial students) Denial students are still reported to the state. Updated-12-5-18 (if we added the 34 students that moved we would be above the 5 yr. trajectory for this year.)
Comparison of Area Districts Trends… College Comm.= 1% increase C.R.= 13% increase I.C.= 15% increase Marion= 47% Linn-Mar= 70% Amy-Updated for 2018-19 (had those 34 students stayed at Prairie we would have had a 20% increase.) (includes waiver students since that is included in state reporting) From last five years...w/ 2018 most current College- 106, 140, 154, 179, 180 CR-642, 772, 811, 966, 1086 IC- 1000, 1200,1476, 1492, 1713 Marion 30, 12, 22, 15, 22 Linn-Mar 165, 110, 101, 108, 184
Countries Represented In College Community Angola Belgium Bolivia Bosnia Burundi Cameroon China D.R. of Congo Colombia Egypt El Salvador Ghana Guam Guatemala Haiti India Japan Jordan Kenya Laos Liberia Marshall Islands Mexico Micronesia Nigeria Pakistan Puerto Rico Saudi Arabia Somalia South Sudan Sudan Tanzania Togo Ukraine United Arab Emirates Vietnam Zambia Zimbabwe 38 Countries and 34 Languages Increase from 2017-18. (34/29) Top 3: Mexico 23% Sudan 12% DR Congo 10% Spanish Arabic Swahili/French Krista Bullet #1-Students Served-
Students Served by Building 1 18 36 35 27 30 28 1 Krista Bullet #4...Students served by building
What are we seeking to improve? Academic progress English language acquisition Supportive school environment Meeting family needs Supporting classroom teachers Laura LAU plan to include Pre-K staff dev. on ELL
Overview of Prior Year’s Goals & Results (3-5 minutes) Success: Goal 3: 70% of EL students show one point growth (or maintain proficiency score) in the area of “speaking” on the ELPA21 assessment. (Results: 80%) Goal 5: 90% of K-12 parent(s) will participate in Fall & Spring conferences (in person, arena, phone, written exchange). (Results: 93% for fall semester, 95% for spring semester) Challenge: 70% of ELs will show growth on the Iowa Assessment Reading Comprehension Assessment in grades 3-12. (Results: 58% 2nd-11th grade) Alli ISASP MAP
Current Year’s Goals (5-7 minutes) Goal 1: In revision 80% percent of students performing at a level 1-3 on the reading domain for ELPA21 will demonstrate 25% growth on the spring FAST assessment. 80% percent of students performing at a level 4 or 5 on the reading domain for ELPA21 will reach the benchmark for spring FAST assessment. Goal 2: By summer of 2019, analyze reading baseline proficiency data from the state assessment (grades 3-11). Goal 3: 75% of students will show one point of growth or more or maintain “proficient” status on the total score of all domains of the ELPA21 assessment. Goal 4: 100% General Education and Special Education teachers will have the necessary information and resources to provide ELs effective instruction in the classroom. Goal 5: 90% of K-12 parent(s) will participate in Fall & Spring conferences (in person, arena, phone, written exchange). Alli- goal 1- an elementary team of ELL staff and principals is working on revising this goal so that we can collect data in a timely manner Sustainably collect data on goal 1 Goal 2: Unfamiliar with the new state assessment, ISASP, it will be computerized Goal 3: Goal 4: Goal 5: Had success with this goal last year so we in
Anticipated Challenges and/or Roadblocks to Success Newcomer supports ELPA21 test difficulty and high number of K students will qualify Setting goals around ISASP, the new state assessment New state ELL eligibility requirements may restrict students from academic ELL support Support for general education teachers Mike
Support Needed / Implications for the Board Celebrate our changing population! Changes in the growing program Understanding the growth of students and the struggles of our families Rates of growth related to age Laura: Leaders from the state and experts in the field strongly suggest analyzing all aspects of our program and to pay particular attention to the amount of EL students still in the program beyond six years.
Questions from the Board? Krista