Scientific Method January 19 , 2009 Wes Faith Eastside Elementary
Language Objective(s) Objectives for Today! Content Objective: To learn about an activity that will help your students with the scientific method Language Objective(s) Listening: Listen to presenter and classmates about how the “Nature of Science” SLEs and this activity work together. Speaking: Share ideas about the scientific method. Reading: Read over the activity. Do you do anything similar with your students? Writing: Take short notes on your worksheet about how to improve or change the activity to fit your students needs.
Get to know where students are with scientific method knowledge This Activity Why? After studying other things I return to the scientific method for an activity and reminder. Easy to plan Cheap Not hard to grade Get to know where students are with scientific method knowledge Fun
The “Chief” Alejandro funny-man
Nature of Science Objectives: NS.1.5.5 Communicate results and conclusions form scientific inquiry. NS.1.5.8 Explain the role of observation in the development of a theory. NS.1.5.9 Define and give examples of hypotheses.
Student Learning Objectives Content Objectives: How to use the Scientific Method to solve a problem Language Objectives: Listen: to teacher and classmates relevant questions about the S.M. Speak: quietly in groups about your ideas and writing. Read: the worksheet carefully and think about how you will be successful. Write: answers in complete sentences. Proofread your work with a partner.
Day One! Going over the supply list - Reading the prompt Deciding what the problem really is Letting them look at the supplies Discussing what is involved with the testing. Step-by-step! Assigning the Problem and Test Hypothesis for homework
Day 2 Pass out supplies- tubs help Building time Write hypothesis Test! Write conclusions
Some students may need a partner for some help. Things to keep in mind Some students may need a partner for some help. Give students time to share their writing with each other to revise or edit. Have more than one test station. Reserve time to go over carefully after graded and discuss. Discuss variables.
Important things! Questions or suggestions for me. Interest in sharing email to discuss resources for lessons and share.