Exploring common themes in two different works Antigone The Whale Rider
Literary Definition THEME: A theme in literature is the message the author is trying to send about a specific subject. For example, in Ancient Greek Theater we know Sophocles was using his tragedy to warn the audience against pride and disrespect of the Gods. Learning opportunity: Choose a theme from your study of the play and the film and explore how the author and director create and present their message. What are they trying to teach your with their work?
State your theme as it applies to both works. Theme Statement: Generally, we try to express a theme as a statement about human nature or to show how the world works. We would express one of Sophocles' themes like this: Sophocles, in his play Antigone, warns the audience that pride will only cause heartache and loss. *note-do NOT use a cliché to express a theme. I would not state, pride cometh before the fall.
The Whale Rider Antigone Explain how the theme is present in the play. Make a bulleted list to present three specific examples that provide evidence that this theme is presented in the work. Each item should be 2-3 complete sentences. Include a visual to show how this theme looks in the play. Explain how the theme is present in the film. Make a bulleted list to present three specific examples that provide evidence that this theme is presented in the work. Each item should be 2-3 complete sentences. Include a visual to show how this theme looks in the film.
Write a paragraph to examine the message the two works send about that theme. Begin with a topic sentence that states the theme you see as common to both works. Support with specific details that are compared and analyzed Use transitions to show comparison (similarities) and contrast (differences) Please BOLD FACE the transitions that you use to show the relationships between your ideas.
Transitions: they show relationships between ideas. Transitions showing similarity Transitions indicating difference also and along with as well as as if as besides both comparatively even when in comparison in the same way in the same manner in addition just as like likewise moreover most important same similar to similar similarly the same as too although but compared with conversely differ different from even though furthermore however in contrast to in contrast instead less than more than nevertheless notwithstanding on the other hand on the contrary otherwise rather than regardless still though to the contrary unless unlike whereas while yet
Paragraph Model (character comparison) Creon and Koro Both men have an issue viewing females as equal to males. Creon believes that Antigone is a weak woman who cannot endure the penalty of death for breaking the law. He becomes even more stubborn in keeping his word because he cannot lose to a woman. In fact, when arguing with his son, Haemon, Creon states, “If we must lose, let’s lose to a man, at least! Is a woman stronger than we?” Similarly, Koro’s sexism causes him to believe that the heir to the tribe must be a male. Even though Pai repeatedly shows her ability to lead, as well as her passion for the Maori traditions, Koro cannot see past her gender. At one point in the story, he accuses her of ruining the future because as a female she has no right to participate in the traditional male event of fighting with the taiaha. Her victory is an embarrassment to her Paka.
The 4C's: Thinking about theme Concept What thematic concept did the two pieces present? How does this theme affect other themes present in the work? Choose at least one other theme to show how they are related to each other. Challenge Which ideas/events do you NOT agree with? What can you challenge as a bias, an untruth, or something you thought was wrong or did not like concerning the characters and their actions related to the theme you are exploring? Connect How do you see these thematic issues present in your life, another text, or in the world? Changes What changes did the characters undergo as a result of the events or characters they encountered as related to the theme you are exploring? Your goal: Three bulleted points (2-3 sentences) per section
The 4C's: Thinking about theme Concept Connect Challenge Changes
CONCEPT What thematic concept did the two pieces present? How does this theme affect other themes present in the work? Choose at least one other theme to show how they are related to each other.
CONNECT How do you see these thematic issues present in your life, another text, or in the world?
CHALLENGE Which ideas/events do you NOT agree with? What can you challenge as a bias, an untruth, or something you thought was wrong or did not like concerning the characters and their actions related to the theme you are exploring?
CHANGE What changes did the characters undergo as a result of the events or characters they encountered as related to the theme you are exploring?
Write a one page to develop your thinking about one statement on your 4C's Begin with a thesis that states the “C” statement you will develop. Make sure your writing follows standard MLA essay format requirements. Support your claim with specific examples from the two pieces, and with logical examples from your own thinking.