Solids States of Matter Liquids Gas
Three Types of Matter Liquids Solids Gas
Solids *Solids can be hard or soft. *Some examples of solids are walls, blocks, and clothes. *All solids will keep their shape unless you do something to change them. *The shape of solids, like clay are easily changed. *Solids like wood are much harder and not easy to change the shape of.
Liquids Liquids have no shape. If you pour a glass of water it will take the shape of the glass, but if the water spills it will spread out. Examples of liquids are juice, water, and milk. Some liquids are thick, like a cold milkshake, and some are thin like apple juice. Liquids can be very different from each other, but they all can be poured.
Gas *Gases have no shape or volume. Gases spread out to fill any container they are in, even in really big spaces. *Air is a gas, and like air most gases are invisible. *Some examples of gases are air and steam. *You cannot see most gases, but you can feel them if you spin around fast. You can feel air move against you. *Air is all around you.
Water *Water is an interesting type of matter. *It changes easily from a liquid to gas and from a liquid to a solid. *Water is so unusual because it changes its state easily with changes in temperature.
Melt Freeze If an ice cube is left out of the freezer it will melt and turn back into a liquid. To turn water into a solid you can freeze it. Water Vapor When water boils and steam rises from the pot, you are watching water turn into a gas. (water vapor)
Partner Work Directions: Answer the following questions with a partner. Look back to the slide show for help. What are the three commonly known states of matter? Give two examples of each of these states of matter. What is the type of matter that changes its form very easily? Draw a picture showing some type of matter changing its form. What is the most common reason for matter changing its state? List and draw a picture of how water changes into each state, solid, liquid, and gas.