Physical Activity for life Chapter 4
Physical Activity Physical Activity- any form of movement- whether purposeful, as in exercise and sports or recreation, or incidental, as in everyday chores. Lifestyle Activities- forms of physical activity that are a normal part of your daily routine or recreation and that promote good health throughout lifetime.
Total Health Hydration- addition of fluids to your body such as water. You lose water through sweat when you are exercising. Drink several cups of fluids 2 hours before and then 15 minutes before a heavy work out.
Steroids Anabolic steroids- chemicals similar to male testosterone. Very illegal. Synthetic corticosteroids mimic the actions of naturally occurring corticosteroids and may be used to replace corticosteroids, they more often are used to treat diseases of immunity, inflammation or salt and water balance.
Total Health Sleep is an important component of training. Not enough sleep disrupts the nervous system which can cause slow reaction time, lack of concentration, and more depressive thoughts. Teens need 8-10 hours of sleep.
Injuries Most commonly occur to the muscular and skeletal systems. (Think about the injuries that you have had) Muscle cramp is a spasm or sudden tightening of a muscle. Cramps happen from muscles being tired, overworked, or dehydration. Drink water and stretch. Muscle strain- a condition where muscles have been overworked. Strains happen from strenuous activity so warm up properly to avoid them and do not go all out on the first day of the activity.
injuries Sprain- an injury to tissues surrounding a joint. Ligaments, which are strong bands of tissue that connect the bones to one another at a moveable joint, may be stretched or torn. Sprain can take longer to heal than broken bones.
Injuries Muscle cramps can be relived through light massage and applying heat after 72 hours. Minor strains and sprains can be treated through RICE procedure.
Injuries Rest- avoid using injured limb. Ice- 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off, 20 minutes on. Compression- pressure through elastic bandage. Elevation- Rising the limb above heart level. Injuries
Injuries Fractures are any type of break in a bone. Dislocations result when a bone slips from its normal position at a joint. Tendinitis is a condition where the tendons are stretched or torn from overuse. If you have an injury to your head you need to see the coach or your physician immediately. If you receive 2 concussions it is recommended you change sports.
injuries Most hot weather injuries occur from overexertion (overworking the body) and dehydration. Drink plenty of water to avoid heat cramps. Heat exhaustion is an overheating of the body which results in cold clammy skin and symptoms of shock. If you continue to exercise in hot whether after dehydration and exhaustion you can experience heatstroke.
Injuries During heatstroke, the body loses the ability to rid itself of excess heat through perspiration. Frostbite is a condition that results when body tissue becomes frozen. Dressing in warm clothing is the best way to prevent frostbite and keep the body warm. Hypothermia is a condition where the body temperature becomes dangerously low.
Injuries When you are participating in a sport, be aware of the people around you, playing at your skill level, obeying rules and restrictions, and accept responsibility for your own safety. Following these steps can help prevent injuries when you are playing a sport or doing any physical activity.