Lectoraat Duurzame Energie Voorziening Research chair Sustainable Energy Systems Lector (Professor): Dr. Ir. Richard P. van Leeuwen Doctorate in 2017 at University of Twente in smart energy systems Company experience: cooling industry, railway industry, project management & consultancy, research & engineering education Expertise: renewable energy systems and energy planning modelling, applied thermodynamics, energy technology Tel: +31 (0) 6108 92455 / Mail: r.p.vanleeuwen@saxion.nl
Sustainability research at Saxion Sustainable environment Development of working locations Governance and law Sustainable energy systems Value of probation Risk management Soil and underground Sustainable building technology & materials + International Water Technology + Ambient Intelligence + Smart Cities + Business models + Urban Studies education 4 academies > 60 researchers > 300 students/y
Vision & Mission Research chair Sustainable Energy Systems Contribute to: Acceleration of technology development, Application and implementation, Accelaration of societal adoptation… … to reach a 100% sustainable energy and circular material supply within the Eastern part of the Netherlands within the context of the (inter)national energy and material transition. Sustainability transition: reduction of fossil based fuels and mined materials. We see this as a necessary movement for the survival of mankind on the longer term. We emphasize the development of technology for society as enabler for the sustainable transition and we educate students to become professionals which are able to play a leading role within the transition.
Towards 100% renewable energy systems Performing research… For/with companies with students creating value improving research skills Track 1: bioenergy & biobased economy Track 2: innovative Installations & processes Track 3: system Integration & energy transition
Bioenergy & Biobased economy Objective: Sustainable up-grading of low value biomass into marketable non-food products and energy
Innovative installations for buildings & industry Objective: Reduce building & industrial energy demand and develop 100% sustainable energy systems Research fields: Sustainable HVAC Alternative drying & separation technology Efficient operation of motors, fans & pumps (smart) Building systems control Building & process installations
System integration & energy transition Objectives: Development and application of GIS and energy planning tools Developing and testing balanced energy systems on local and regional scale. Energy transition towards 100% renewable energy systems Research fields: Local & regional heat transition GIS & energy planning tools Smart grid control DC-grids Energy transition governance Power to fuel conversions
Facilities (bio)chemical research 1A XRF Bomb calorimetry AMPTS (biogas potential) Simulation tools 2 Labs Process hall On location 1B HPLC GC SEM-EDX 3 “home”-made-Machines
Facilities building & industrial installations Thermodynamic & HVAC systems testing lab Energy, temperature and flow monitoring systems Weather and solar energy monitoring systems Climate chamber Field labs on site
Our partners
Hydrogen @home Home/district Energy demand Renewable Power generation Hydrogen network Fuel Cell Technology Electrolysis
Hydrogen @home Hydrogen fuel cell used for domestic heating and local electricity production (winter) Combined with rooftop solar PV (summer) Hydrogen produced within the region by windturbines (year round) Hydrogen network or distribution by trucks? Fuel cell & hydrogen storage: vehicle techology applicable? How? Technical and economical feasibility?
Hydrogen @home Visualization Demand-supply calculation System design (overview) Poster which visualizes and explains the concept Estimation of feasibility in short report (10 pages)