Technology ICT Option: Email
Email Electronic mail is the transmission of mainly text based messages across networks This can be within a particular network - internal mail - or between networks - external mail The most common network used for email is the Internet The main advantages of email are: Speed - from your computer to anywhere in the world in minutes Cost - it is much cheaper than conventional mail Instant reply - reply instantly to an incoming mail Multiple send - sent to many recipients simultaneously Attachments - files such as photographs, documents or drawings can be sent with the email message Storage - email can be easily stored and searched at a later date
Email It does also have some disadvantages: Security - it can be intercepted or hacked into Spam - junk mail is easier to send - more difficult to trace Viruses - email attachments can carry viruses and spyware Operation In order to send or receive email, you must have an email account with an email address from a service provider The email account will also have a username and a password. A typical email address looks like:
Email The username and server provider parts are separated by the @ symbol. Typical providers include: Usernames and Passwords Usernames and passwords use alphanumeric characters. Some service providers place restrictions on passwords such as minimum and maximum length and ensuring a combination of letters and numbers are used etc. Example: Username - johnireland Password - school07
Email Email accounts There are two main types of email account - Paid and Free: A paid account will have Internet access and a mailbox for email. A ISP - Internet service Provider - will be paid monthly for the service - Eircom A free account will only have a mailbox. To use the mailbox, you log onto the providers website where you can send, receive and manage email - Hotmail and Gmail Email can be accessed in a number of ways: Using email software - the email messages are downloaded from the service providers server onto your computer. Outlook Express and Mozilla Thunderbird are examples
Email Webmail - an Internet Browser such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox is used to access the service providers website and the email is managed on the website Setting up an account in outlook Express Some information is required before an account can be set up in an email application: Email address - Username - John Ireland Password - school 07 (Case sensitive) Incoming server address (POP3) Outgoing server address (SMTP) The account can now be set up
Email Open Outlook Express From the tools menu, choose Accounts Click the Mail tab Click the Add button and choose Mail
Email Enter the Username in the Display name field and click Next Enter the email address in the space provided and click Next
Email Enter the Incoming and Outgoing mail servers as shown below. These are unique to Eircom. Each service provider will have their own server addresses Click Next Enter the Password in the space provided and click Next Click Finish in the next box to complete the process
Email To access the email: Click the Send/Recv button in the email application and select the required account to download the email The settings necessary for setting up other providers accounts in email applications can be found at the link below:
Email Email Applications Outlook Express is the most common email application in use as it is bundled with Microsoft Windows Other email applications include: Thunderbird - Pegasus - Eudora - Incredimail -
Email Using Outlook Express When Outlook Express starts, you are presented with the welcome screen. Click on Inbox as shown below
Email The interface is now less cluttered and easier to manage So set email options, click on the Tools menu and choose Options
Email Click the General tab and set the application to start with the Inbox displayed Set the required options in the Send tab
Email The Receipts tab can be used to request a receipt for sent mails. This ensures that the email was opened by the recipient The spell check can be set in the Spelling tab The application is now set up and ready for use
Email Composing and Sending an Email Click File and New Message Click File and New Message Enter the email address in the To: box and a quick note in the Subject area. Don’t send an email without an entry in the subject area as most recipients will automatically delete it for security reasons Write your message in the area provided and click Send
Email Address Book The address book is used to store email addresses and is very useful when sending email. To open the address book: Click the Tools menu and choose Address Book To add a new contact: Click the New button and choose Contact
Email Fill in the details and click OK To create a group: Click the New button and choose Group
Email Add the group name and click Select Members Select the members and click OK. The group is formed
Email Using the Address Book The address book is useful when sending an email to multiple addresses etc Open Outlook Express and click Create Mail Click the To: button to open the address book Select the required email addresses and add them to the Message Recipients area and click OK Fill in the Subject - complete the email as before
Email CC and BCC Carbon Copy and Blind Carbon Copy are also used with multiple email addresses CC - the email addresses in this area will receive the message as well as the addresses in the To: box
Email BCC: - recipients entered in the BCC area will not be aware of the other people receiving the email message
Email Attachments Files can be attached to email messages. It is possible to attach several files to an email. To attach a file: In the New Message window, click Attach and browse to the required file or files, select and click the Attach button Click the Send button
Email Replying to Email Below can be seen an email sent to a group. An attachment is included in the email. At the top of the email window, there are three buttons: Reply Reply All Forward
Email Reply is used to reply to the sender only Click the Reply button. The address the subject fields ate already completed. Type any message and click the Send button
Email Reply All is used to reply to the entire group Click the Reply All button. The address the subject fields ate already completed. Type any message and click the Send button
Email Forward is used to send the email to a new recipient. Click the Forward button. The address the subject fields ate already completed. Type any message and click the Send button