2019PCCMeeting Machelen, 26 Jan
Meeting Pistol Caliber Carbine BELGIUM 2019 1: Participating clubs 2: Organizing commitée 3: Club representatives 4: Results 2018 5: Match calendar 2019 6: PCC Rules 2019 7: Sponsoring 2019 Sponsored by
Meeting PCC BELGIUM 2019 1: Participating Clubs 2019 * PSCK Kortrijk * M1 Rilland * TGS Bauffe * CTF F L’Q * HSV Heist o/d Berg * EBSA Battice * VPSG Machelen * SNPS St Niklaas * FSC LESSINES Lessines * PSCR Roeselare Sponsored by
Meeting PCC BELGIUM 2019Jan 2019 2: Organizing commitée 2019 Beheerder: BPSA + Marc Hendrickx Srt/Org: Carl Deleu John Constant Rolf Breugelmans Beheer results: Romano Orlans IT & registration: Philipe Van Bergen info@pcc-belgium.be https://pcc-belgium.be/ Sponsored by
Meeting PCC BELGIUM 2019 3: Club representatives 2019 PSCK: Carl Deleu TGS: Brochard Pierre + John Constant VPSG: Ruud Bos + Van Rooy Erwin HSV: Weckx Joeri + Fillip Van Bedts EBSA: Smeers Marcel M1 Henk Schoenmaker + Hendrickx Marc CTF: Constant John + Brochard Pierre SNPS De Meulenaer Eddy FSC LESSINES Leclercq Fabien + Callaert Bernard PSCR Kerckenaere Michiel + Sabbe Pieter Sponsored by
Meeting PCC BELGIUM 2019 4: Results 2018 Sponsored by Standaard OPEN Standaard Rookie 2018 VAN HOECKE Joris Sponsored by
Meeting PCC BELGIUM 2019 5: Match calendar 2019 M1 01 - 02 Jun 2019 PSCK 14 - 15 Jun 2019 TGS HSV EBSA CTF VPSG SKW FSC LESSINES SNPS 05-06 Apr 20019 PSCR 08 – 09 Mar 2019 Shoot-Off/Awards Sponsored by
Meeting PCC BELGIUM 2019 6. Convention – 2019 Rules Sponsored by PCC = Pistol Caliber Carbine Recognition trough IPSC / BPSA / FROS / URSTBF (?) Participants will be BPSA/IPSC members. A competition will consist in a minimum of 5 stages and a minimum of 100 rounds. Sponsored by
Meeting PCC BELGIUM 2019 Sponsored by ‘Weak- and Strong SIDE shooting is allowed but NOT to be made MANDATORY in a briefing, MINIMUM distance for steel targets will be 7 meter (Fault line to be placed @ 8 meter) IPSC target and IPSC mini target must NOT be included in the same target array IPSC poppers and mini poppers must NOT be included in the same target array There will be 3 paper target approved for PCC IPSC 100%, IPSC (mini) 60% and 100% IPSC universal target, PP (+ MPP), steel plates (including ‘Texas star’). No A4 target, no bowling pin’s, no clay’s When paper targets are partially hidden a portion of each scoring zone must remain visible. (see TARGET ARRAY BOOK 2019) Link on FB page Competitors are prohibited to take a sight picture with a loaded firearm. (empty = 1 target) Sponsored by
Meeting PCC BELGIUM 2019 Sponsored by Divisions: Open and Standard (Tag), minor scored, (new) LADIES Division, TEAM Challenge will be created for 2019 Challenge, a TEAM will consist of 4 competitors.Top 3 results will be taken in account for the challenge, Team competitors my differ but have to be affiliated in the same club! Maximum match fee: Max € 25 The use of a chamber flag will be mandatory. A general ‘Safety area’ will be mandatory in every shooting range. Sponsored by
Meeting PCC BELGIUM 2019 Sponsored by Orders will be as in IPSC, ‘Load and make ready’ for option 1 and 2. ‘Make ready’ for option 3. Weapon status will be Option 1 = Magazine inserted, first round in the chamber, safety applied (if the firearm is designed to have one!) Option 2 = Magazine inserted, chamber empty, bold forward hammer down Option 3 = completly empty, bolt may be open, Magazine capacity: will be a maximum of 30 rounds. Shooters using pistols with Roni or other similar System (SAFETY?) will have no more than 20rounds/magazine! (ALLOWED?) Sponsored by
Meeting PCC BELGIUM 2019
Meeting PCC BELGIUM 2019 Sponsored by Squadding will be as in IPSC. All shooters will register with name + the club + BPSA NUMBER. ( TE VERMELDEN OP DE AFFICHE) Every participating club will be responsible for their shooters. Shooters are mandatory to be certified by a PCC coach before participating in a competition. BPSA will be responsible for control registered competitiors BPSA membership. The use of military fatigues and webbing will be prohibited! All magazine pouches will mandatory be worn on the beld (NO leg magazine pouches, NO tactical vests) Shooters failing to do so will be excluded from participating in the Competition. A weapon rack will be present on every stage. All windows have to allow a straight weapon position trough any opening. Sponsored by
Meeting PCC BELGIUM 2019 Sponsored by Only FMJ and TMJ ammunition wil be allowed. No lead or polymer bullets will be accepted for competition. Briefing will be stage by stage, only exception allowed will be a long course followed by a short course, Briefing for 2 long or medium courses will be prohibited. 50% of the competitions +1 will be taken in account for the 2019 INDIVIDUAL and TEAM Challenge, Foreign shooters can participate but will not be taken in account for the BEL PCC Challenge. Prio will be given to BEL shooters for registration. 2019 Foreigners competing in BEL PCC must have their 2019 IPSC Licence with rifle/PCC certificate. 2019 Belgian competitors will mandatory be 2019 BPSA MEMBER and will be in possession of a BPSA pistol or PCC qualifier certificate! BPSA club Team Captain(s) will be responsible for this action. Sponsored by
Meeting PCC BELGIUM 2019 7. 2019 Sponsors Sponsored by Marc Hendrickx (W&M MH) Paul Wignell + Rolf Breughelmans (ASG) Carl Deleu (CZ) Sponsors or PCC will provide banners, flags ect…that will be used in competition. CZ will (TBC) provide (2)Scorpion Evo3 @ the 2019 awards. Sponsored by
Meeting PCC BELGIUM 2019 Sponsored by CZ, Mark Hendrickx & ASG (? TBC) also signed up as 2019 SPONSOR, PCC Sponsors will not pay the entry fee if participating in a PCC competition. (If the sponsor contribution has a minimum € 600 value). Top 5 shooters will always be allowed to a competition even if all slots are taken. The ‘PCC Rookie of the year’ will be allowed a free run in the next years season (no entry fee to be paid in any competition). Definition of ‘PCC Rookie’: The highest ranked shooter completing his/her first full PCC Challenge. A LADIES category will be created as from 2019. Sponsored by