2017 SMSA National Training Summit Why Motorcyclists Crash
Fatalities vs Vehicle Type
Driver Education Passenger Vehicle License Requirements 26 states with no driver’s ed required at all 3 states require driver’s ed regardless of age Motorcycle License Requirements 6 states required driver’s ed regardless of age 2 states for those under 21 1 state if skills test failed twice
Operating the Controls Driver Education It’s What We Do Rules of the Road Safety Strategies Operating the Controls
Why We Crash Distracted driving Speeding DUI Reckless driving (stunting/racing) Bad weather Running red lights/stop signs Unsafe lane changes Improper turns Wrong way driving Tailgating Fatigue Equipment failure Lack of licensing/experience
Conclusion #1 “Current driver education appears to do a good job of preparing students to pass the licensing exam. The expectation that driver education will lead to a decreased [teen] crash rate is unrealistic and beyond what current practice can be expected to achieve.” Thomas, F. D., III, Blomberg, R. D., & Donald L. Fisher, D. L. (2012, April). A Fresh Look at Driver Education in America. (Report No. DOT HS 811 543). Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Conclusion #2 “In 2015, 35,092 people died in motor vehicle crashes. Research shows that 94 percent of crashes are tied to a human choice or error.” https://www.nhtsa.gov/equipment/safety-technologies
Conclusion #3 People are not crashing and dying based on the elements (Rules of the Road, vehicle controls operation, safety strategies) covered in most Driver Education programs.
“94 percent of crashes are tied to a human choice or error.” What’s Being Done “94 percent of crashes are tied to a human choice or error.”
What’s Being Done Government Educators Manufacturers Laws Curriculum Technology
What’s Being Done GOVERNMENT Relies on enacting/enforcing laws in all areas: - Public Safety - Manufacturing Standards - Training/Education
What’s Being Done MANUFACTURERS Rely on Technology: - Suggested/mandated by government - Automobiles vs Motorcycles
What’s Being Done EDUCATORS Rely on curriculum: MSF BRCu Total Control Focus is on 4 primary riding sub-tasks (mental, physical, emotional, social): 5 core questions: What is the cause of crashes? What is a good rider? How does a rider reduce factors? How long does it take to reduce risk? What is the primary challenge to be safe? Change behavior (reduce fatalities) by: Being honest about the dangers of riding Train Instructors as Subject Matter Experts Instructors model behavior w/skills and PPE Provide honest feedback on student skillset Provide multiple “opt-out” opportunities Promote/provide follow-on training
Ultimate Conclusion - Three methods of reducing fatalities: Educators Curriculum Manufacturers Technology Government Laws - Three methods of reducing fatalities: Our best efforts to reduce fatalities should address the human choice/error aspects.