7th Grade Math Homework expectations grading Text Alerts Sign here Tutoring schedule AM: 7:45-8:20 PM: 4:10-4:45 Homework expectations Occasionally, formative assignments will be graded based on completion with a grade of 100, 70, 50 or zero. However, more frequently an actual grade based on missed problems will be taken. Students must show all work in pencil and refer to notes and examples to help with assignments. At home assignments should take approximately 20 minutes to complete. You can help your child develop good study habits by setting a daily homework time and a designated place free from distraction. If you notice your child struggling with assignments, they should attend tutoring, use the online textbook, or check Khan Academy online. *Mrs Lantier: Wednesday PM & Friday AM *Mrs Hunt: Monday PM & Tuesday AM *Ms. Dusing: Check her website for current tutoring times as they change with coaching responsibilities. Contact 7th Grade Math Marlo Lantier Marlo.Lantier@humbleisd.net # 281-641-4489 (does not ring during class) Supply List Daily grades (formative) 40% Test grades (summative) 60% Pencils Red Pens Binder Dividers Notebook Paper A WILLING ATTITUDE! Online access codes will be provided for textbooks. grading Students are eligible to reassess one test per grading period under CMS policy. Late work will receive a deduction of 20 points per day. ZAP policy allows students to receive up to a 50 for missing work. Text Alerts Join Remind! For Level classes, text @ Lantier7L to 81010 For PreAP classes, text @Lantier7P to 81010 Sign here Parent signature Student signature