Lead Market New opportunities for the world of employment (by Antonello Pezzini)
Lead Market LM is one of the most important initiatives for the innovation policy and for the competitiveness of the European Union. LM is one of the most important initiatives for the innovation policy and for the competitiveness of the European Union. Europe should develop markets favourable to innovation, in order to create the indispensable conditions able to simplify the commercialization of innovative services and products. Europe should develop markets favourable to innovation, in order to create the indispensable conditions able to simplify the commercialization of innovative services and products. The initiative adopts an approach based on competition and request. A high market potential is present in all these sectors, with economic advantages especially for the micro, small and medium enterprises. The initiative adopts an approach based on competition and request. A high market potential is present in all these sectors, with economic advantages especially for the micro, small and medium enterprises.
These markets hold a high economic and social merit in the EU An annual turnover of more than 120 billions euros is realized in these markets and 1,9 millions workers are employed. An annual turnover of more than 120 billions euros is realized in these markets and 1,9 millions workers are employed. It would be possible to reach, in 2020, a turnover of 300 billions euros and more than 3 millions workplaces in the EU. It would be possible to reach, in 2020, a turnover of 300 billions euros and more than 3 millions workplaces in the EU.
Which markets for the Lead Market initiative? Online Healthcare: The communication technologies can offer to patients, healthcare services and payment institutes both high quality solutions and lower expenses. The standardisation of the information exchange formats, the certification of the systems and the adoption of demonstration projects, on a large scale, should contribute to better face the problems linked to a Europe that becomes old. Technical textiles: they are very important for the protection in clothing (PPE: Personal Protective Equipment). The EUs PPE market is presently estimated to be of 10 billions euros and has an approximately 50% growing potential in the next years. The whole textile sector would be influenced by domino effects.
Which markets for the Lead Market initiative? Bioproducts: Europe is one of the leader actors in this market, thanks to reinforced knowledges and to a groundbreaking technological and industrial position. However, the low clarity of the product properties and the low transparency of the market impede, at this time, the rapid penetration of the products in the market. In order to simplify the spread of the bioproducts, it is necessary to intensify communication, standardisation, labelling and certification. Renewable Energies: Nowadays, the development of the renewable sources has been slowed down by elevated costs, scarce request, markets fragmentation and administrative barriers. Speeding up the innovation of low carbon content technologies and removing the barriers, in the way of planning and certification, is essential for this sector. Nowadays, the development of the renewable sources has been slowed down by elevated costs, scarce request, markets fragmentation and administrative barriers. Speeding up the innovation of low carbon content technologies and removing the barriers, in the way of planning and certification, is essential for this sector.
Which markets for the Lead Market initiative? Recycling the recycling sector has a turnover of 24 billions euros and provides work to about half a million people. In order to release the real potential of the sector it is necessary to face the obstacles that prevent the markets development. Sustainable construction industry: Buildings represent the biggest part of the total final power consumption of the EU (42%) and produce approximately the 35% of the total gas carbon emissions. Therefore it is crucial to find sustainable solutions.
Simplifying the legal context and speeding up the growth of the request – Note the necessities of the global markets and the clients preferences in order to maximize the markets potential. – Simplify, in third counties markets, the acceptance of the laws and the EUs approaches and in particular the sectors of security and environment. – Try to limit the entry costs of new products and services, facilitating their entrance in the market and adopting measures that maximize the request. – It is fundamental to focus on training systems and on the relationship school/work.
Principal intervention means Legislation Public Procurement Standardisation, labelling and certification Complementary means Support services for enterprises, innovation, training and communication
Support and financial incentives European Investments Bank (EIB) European Investment Funds (EIF) JEREMIE CIP (Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Program) (DG Entreprise and Industry)– Eco- innovation PQ7 (Regions of knowledge) Structural Funds