SUBSTITUTION Grade 7 Unit 2 Formative Performance Task 1 SUBSTITUTION Topic Question: How is power divided and shared in the United States government (federal, local, state)? (7.8.5) Description of Formative Performance Task You will view a power point on promethean board that will explain the division of powers and shared powers in the U.S. Government. You will discuss and respond on paper what each division is responsible for. Steps: Move to groups as assigned. Each student take out a sheet of paper. View power point and take notes. Discuss the material viewed on the power point as a group. Group leader will write answers to the topic question as decided as a group and turn in. Featured Source: Power point titled “Our Founding Fathers” Featured Tech Tools: Promethean Board and Power point. Teacher Name: Sandi Garcia School: Moss Bluff Middle Email Address: Special Considerations: Power point was researched and found on the internet. Students will discuss Answer to task question and leader will write the question on a sheet of paper and record the answer/s Decided on by the group. Assessment: Assessment will be made with class discussion and answer sheets turned by each group
AUGMENTATION Grade7 Unit 2 Formative Performance Task 2 Topic Question: How is power divided and shared in the United States government (federal, local, state)? (7.8.5) Description of Formative Performance Task: You will get with partners, Open my blackboard site and go to VIDEOS AND MORE click on Separations of Powers Game. Objective: Review separation of powers by taking turns. Keep track of each correct answer on a sheet of paper to see who wins! Have Fun. Steps: Log on to computer. Go to Mrs. Garcia’s website. Click on Tab that is labeled “videos and more” Click on Separation of Powers Game Get your points paper ready. Play the game. See who wins. Featured Tech Tools: Teacher website and video game Featured Source: Jeopardy Game on Separation of Power U.S. Government Teacher Name: Sandi Garcia School: Moss Bluff Middle Email Address: Special Considerations: Students will be using computers to play a Jeopardy Game and compete with each other. Video was placed on teacher’s website. Students will keep score. Assessment: Students will get immediate response to answers to questions while teacher circulates the room to access.
MODIFICATION Grade 7 Unit 2 Summative Performance Task 3 MODIFICATION Topic Question: How is power divided and shared in the United States government (federal, local, state)? (7.8.5) Description of Summative Performance Task: You will gather in assigned groups and plan to debate pros and cons on the Articles of Confederation and the division of power under the new Constitution. Objective: Students will read the question and form opinions. Students will record debate of the pros and cons to share with different hours to later be shared by all. Steps: Assemble in assigned groups. Leader will turn on iPAD. All students use notes to form opinions and ready for debate. Individuals in the group will respond their opinion during the recorded debate/discussion. All students ready themselves and Leader will begin discussion by videoing themselves and then all responses by the group. Save the recording for sharing with other classes using appletv later. Featured Source: Students will read questions and form opinions and record debate with in the groups. Featured Tech Tools: iPADs and apple tv for each group to record debates to share with other hours. Teacher Name: Sandi Garcia School: Moss Bluff Middle Email Address: Special Considerations: Students use higher order thinking after reading the debate/discussion question. Students will use iPADS to record the debate/discussion in each group. Assessment: All videos will be saved and shared with other classes using appletv. Assessment will come when all recording are shared and when open class discussions take place by using all the recording with other classes.
REDEFINITION Grade 7 Unit 2 Summative Performance Task 1 REDEFINITION Topic Question: How is power divided and shared in the United States government (federal, local, state)? (7.8.5) Description of Summative Performance Task: You will You will use Google slides to summarize the debate on Articles of Confederation and the Division of Powers in the U.S. Constitution. Steps: Each student will go to my BB page (Moss Bluff Middle) Open the link to Google slides. On your assigned slide number, you will type your summary on the debate on Articles of Confederation and Division of Power. Evaluate/comment on three of your peers summary in the ”speaker notes” at the bottom of each of the three slides. Featured Source: Google Slides Featured Tech Tools: Google slides to type summary of debate. Teacher Name: Sandi Garcia School: Moss Bluff Middle Email Address: Special Considerations: Assessment: Individual slides where students will comment.
IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet Teacher : Sandi Garcia How is power divided and shared in the United States government (federal, local, state)? (7.8.5) Question from “Content and Claims” Here : Task Description Featured Source Suggested Technology You will use Google slides to summarize the debate on Articles of Confederation and the Division of Powers in the U.S. Constitution. Use Google Slides Google slides to type summary of debate . You will gather in assigned groups and plan to debate pros and cons on the Articles of Confederation and the division of power under the new Constitution. Objective: Students will read the question and form opinions. Students will record debate of the pros and cons to share with different hours to later be shared by all. Students will read questions and form opinions and record debate with in the groups iPads and apple tv for each group to record debates to share with other hours. You will get with partners, Open my blackboard site and go to VIDEOS AND MORE click on Separations of Powers Game. Objective: Review separation of powers by taking turns. Keep track of each correct answer on a sheet of paper to see who wins! Have Fun. Jeopardy Game on Separation of Power U.S. Government Teacher website and video game You will view a power point on promethean board that will explain the division of powers and shared powers in the U.S. Government. You will discuss and respond on paper what each division is responsible for. Power point titled “Our Founding Fathers” Promethean Board and Power point. REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. transformation MODIFICATION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. enhancement SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change.