How I treat cancer-associated venous thromboembolism


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Presentation transcript:

How I treat cancer-associated venous thromboembolism by Noémie Kraaijpoel, and Marc Carrier Blood Volume 133(4):291-298 January 24, 2019 ©2019 by American Society of Hematology

Treatment algorithm. Treatment algorithm. (A) Suggested treatment algorithm for symptomatic and incidental DVT or PE in cancer patients. (B) Suggested treatment algorithm for catheter-related thrombosis in cancer patients. *In patients with isolated single subsegmental PE without concomitant DVT, consider withholding anticoagulant therapy in patients at high risk of bleeding. **Edoxaban is initiated after a LMWH lead-in of at least 5 days. §Assess drug-drug interactions and bleeding risk during follow-up and consider changing the anticoagulant treatment regimen accordingly. †The decision to continue anticoagulant treatment beyond 6 months should also balance the risk of recurrent VTE and bleeding complications in combination with patients’ preference, life expectancy, and treatment costs. ¥LMWH is currently the preferred treatment option. DOAC, direct oral anticoagulant; LMWH, low-molecular-weight heparin. Noémie Kraaijpoel, and Marc Carrier Blood 2019;133:291-298 ©2019 by American Society of Hematology